The Impeachment Inquiry and other DOJ Investigations of Filthy Joe Biden Thread

Thats called speculation. Made up quotes don’t prove lies. Assuming that multiple states are out to get Trump and prop up Biden demonstrates an ignorance of how the system works.

I haven’t been following this thread, did they get him yet?

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Here’s a good one

He started some good ones

Do you mean Joe Biden?

That would be a no and my predicted outcome.


We’ve come a long way from the days when the Bidens, with the media’s help, were peddling the lie that the abandoned laptop was a Russion operation. Hopefully both the truth and rule of law will prevail in the end and both Trump and the Bidens will be held accountable for their actions.

To be fair, I only look when I want to. Most of the time it’s like waking up hungover to a fat chick. All regret.

How long was the next inquiry to his impeachment to his resignation? Years.

Give it time. Let’s see what the subpoenas turn up. If he gets off, fine by me. But this not looking because we know the answer already shit is just that.

“I’ve forgotten the answer to the question.” Wtaf?

no need to air past transgressions, you’re forgiven

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Get a room you two.

Just a metaphor, bro. No regerts at all.

Divorce lawyers for Hunter Biden and his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle were aware of money hitting Hunter’s bank account from a Romania deal, emails show, appearing to contradict Buhle’s previous claims she had her ‘head buried in the sand’ when it came to Hunter’s finances,” it was reported.

Sure she did. She probably checked her shell account and found all the pearls gone.


Aren’t they looking? Isn’t that what the inquiry is?

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divorce brings out all the dirty laundry very quickly


I was referring to the dismissiveness that certain posters seem to have towards the investigation. “Any investigation is a waste of time, cuz Trump.”
That shit.

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Ah, much like the Trump and Russia connections, definitely worth looking in to. It could be, as with the Trump and Russia connections, there is more politics than substance here…

Not like the Trump/Russia connections, everyone knew those were fake accusations cooked up by the Clintons, including everyone in the MSM.

This is the really hard part for many good people to accept, they were lied to for years by people they trust.

:man_shrugging: sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.

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Why that is contentious idk. :idunno:

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A sliver a sanity shines through the corrupt political morass.

You ain’t all that, Mr Biden.

Judge Christopher Burke wrote that the president’s son “should be treated just as would any other defendant in our court.”

Hunter Biden’s legal team had sought to have him appear virtually, citing “the financial impact on government resources and the logistical burden on the downtown area of Wilmington” as reason enough to avoid an in-person appearance.

“Nobody fucks with a Biden.”