The Impeachment Inquiry and other DOJ Investigations of Filthy Joe Biden Thread

I like this guy.

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You are either willfully ignorant or have not turned on a tv in a decade.

That’s a stretch.

This is not the first time we have a dump or leak right before the election. I can see it from both sides. Facebook wanting to verify what is bullshit and what is not, makes sense. If they just allow everything without verification to be equally ranked they’ll be held liable. So damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Which is why anybody complaining has not offered up a solution. Truth Social didn’t get it right by banning anyone who challenges Trump/the election lie. So what’s your solution?

And tbh I don’t give a shit about the president’s son.

I’d argue it is FBI’S job to warn them about foreign interference in elections.

Yeah, that’s fair, and (belatedly) watching the video, all Zuck says is the FBI were like “be vigilant!”. What they should do with that advice, I have no idea.

I stand by the other part about Facebook’s weighting of content, though. If they’re using third-party fact-checking sites, I’d be fine with them annotating content with links to those, so people can make up their own minds.

But he’s claiming that when they weight content based on what those fact-checking sites say, they are therefore “not deciding what’s true and false”. And, like, sure they are, by trusting specific sources of truth. They shouldn’t.

My understanding was they only did that for 3-5 days while waiting for the results from the 3rd party. I think they do attach a link when they have info, just from my personal experience (not his statement), but when they don’t know what it is yet what should they do? I’m not sure if they do anything to ranking after that but he made it sound like just during the verification process.

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I would say that the great laptop ignore disproportionally affected more liberal voters than conservatives. Do they like being lied to or prevented from knowing the truth? Is it OK for them that they were lied to for the right reason?

And this:

Former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe recently said there is growing evidence the FBI politically interfered in both the 2016 and 2020 elections while claiming they were worried about Russian interference.

“The names have changed, but the allegations are the same, that these FBI agents were attempting to influence the outcome of the 2020 election by suppressing derogatory information about Hunter Biden and potentially Joe Biden,” Ratclifffe said.

“It is the FBI that is the primary domestic authority for investigating and leading to the prosecution of election influence and election interference. It’s really a problem when the agency that is responsible for investigating those things is engaged in those things.”

Ratcliffe in late October 2020 issued a forceful denial against the prevailing spin about “disinformation” after prominent Democrat leader Adam Schiff of the House Intelligence Committee proclaimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was “a smear on Joe Biden [that] comes from the Kremlin.”

“I very clearly came out and said, ‘Look, Adam Schiff is making this information up. There is no Russian disinformation involved here. It is Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the investigation is real,’ “ he said. “And that has proven to be true.”

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Guys like you buying a Lakers jersey instead of a red or blue tie.

Liberal voters wouldn’t swing for Trump. He lost because of his handling of covid.

So you don’t have one. I’d rather be watching football and I haven’t worn a tie in over 10 years.

That’s not the only thing they could have done. They were lied to. It’s clear. Do YOU think it is OK for the DNC and the Biden Campaign to lie to its constituents for their own good?

And now you care about lying? :joy: That’s rich.

People swing left or right for all sorts of reasons, the left would do well not to think votes from particular sections of society are a given.

Only the most partisan point to covid, everyone around the world had to deal with that.

Answer the question.

The Right would do well not to nominate wholly unqualified candidates who do not represent their values. That just looks all you care about is winning and owning libs, and all that talk about family values was BS.

I called the handling of covid as the main issue months before the election. That had a whole lot more to do with people’s lives than just the virus itself. Being locked up, given false promises, destroying the economy in the process, forcing states to compete for resources, pushing pills without evidence…all that. Nothing to do with whether someone was Left or Right. I lived through it. You didn’t.

You making demands now? I do not care about the president’s son nor his laptop. It was a smear campaign and that is how most saw it.

Wrong again, because I already stated I am not left or right, I see them, or at least the controlling parts as two wings of a bird, one and the same. The establishment, which you think doesn’t exist.


That’s not the question I asked. And while it may have been a smear campaign, it was based entirely on factual data contained in the lappy that the FBI had for a year.

And, no demands. You can answer or choose not to.

You are the only one who lived through covid? :ponder: :laughing: :face_vomiting: :idunno:

Trump handled the COVID situation in Taiwan too now?

Mick is from the UK and lives in Taiwan. He didn’t live through Trump’s shit show. 80M+ did not vote for him for a reason, and you’re fooling yourself if you think a laptop would’ve changed that.

Lying would imply full intent to deceive. I don’t buy that.

And you simply won’t answer a reasonable question. Sad that your foundation is so fragile.

Trumptrumptrump. The question is about the DNC and Biden campaign and the FBI knowingly lying to Americans about something that many, millions, would have found instrumental in their decision making process. Trumptrumptrump

Trump’s governance got us to the vaccine — in months. Ask Biden. He got one of the first available doses.