The Impeachment Inquiry and other DOJ Investigations of Filthy Joe Biden Thread

Rub is, you don’t know what this thing is! The was Archer makes it sound is Joe called - and they talk everyday - and he put him on speaker while they did their normal chitchat and or said a quick howdy. Wow. :wink:

And we know humans generally like to make connections, even when there are none. :man_shrugging:

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Sigh, and this normal chitchat was about business. Was it not? They didn’t meet up to talk about golf.


And the next line was, “Is it deliberate?”

And of course I know you’re not !

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Sure. I’m just making up those SARs and the money spread out to Biden family members.

I don’t mind fighting the rhetorical war. Neither does this nice lady.

Nothing listed here seems to be even remotely close to {close your eyes and pick something - anything - Donald Trump has said/done}>

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Biden, either, but Bidens negatives seem so fluffy compared to Trump. The options are always just… So bad.

He’s a shuffling (and occasionally tripping) creature of the Democrats who have plenty of equally bad or worse crimes in recent years.

So take them on their own. Why conflate the two? Joe has been milking the system for decades. Time for a reckoning.

Wow, Biden & Family are imploding the Democrats better than Hillary.

Hahahaha. Delusional

No. I get it. When they said Trump was a rapist, I said take him to court with it then. Put up or shut up.

They did. He’s a rapist.

Take Joe to task. Let’s see what’s what.

According to Archer, no, it wasn’t about business.

I’m talking about what Archer said.

I agree with @jdsmith , put up or shut up (actually, I don’t even care if nobody shuts up. I’m just bummed so many people believe there’s a smoking gun based on the rhetoric, when there’s been insinuations and promises of bombshells.that hasn’t materialized.). Nobody’s put up anything good.

With the guys in business. Like all of them. This isn’t business like a Taiwanese factory boss taking a client out to Beitou for a soak and poke.

This is show our business partners a good time. No one needs a smoking gun here. Dunno why your standard is so high. You want Joe in dark glasses and trench coat or something? :laughing:

I don’t think asking for a business connection beyond Joe called him at dinner 20 times over 8 years while he was at business dinners and said howdy to the crowd, of he was at dinner with hunter and his business partner is a high standard.

My wife goes out with me to business dinners, but no one in their right mind would.say that implies a business connection between her and whoever I’m out with. But Joe going with Hunter and his partner, OMG!!! SHOW ME SOMETHING! :wink:

There’s no hiding the laptop this time around. If Joe’s defense is that he knew nothing and never asked, then he was purposefully neglectful. There’s no way he worms out of this, and on a personal note, I hope his legacy withers on the vine. I mean, I’ll wait for the evidence and the impeachment which I think is coming, and I won’t whine much about it if he isn’t, but I think OJ did it. No doubt.

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Here in Europe,Some views from EU, I had wrong post in travel 🇸🇪 Sweden - Impressions of Sweden so post correct area her

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You know US politics is fucked up when impeachments are used as a means to eliminate political rivals.

Before Nixon impeachments almost never happened, in fact presidents were respected. Go look for pictures of FDR in wheel chairs if you want to know what I’m talking about. There are not many, because they respected him a LOT.

Nixon poisoned it and now there’s a lot of adversarial relationship between the office of the president, the media, and political parties. Perhaps this is all an act.

Now it seems impeachment is tossed around like it’s nothing. This tells me one thing: nothing’s getting done at all. They’re passing laws just to spite some president, and it’s the American people that’s suffering, perhaps the whole world too.

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Look at Johnson, Lincoln’s successor.
Impeachments always were about political fights across party and in-party lines.

I haven’t seen any evidence of influence peddling yet either. So far it appears that the only thing the “Biden brand” did was to bilk foreigners out of millions of dollars by pretending to influence peddle.

Johnson was like the only president to ever face impeachment until like Nixon. That’s a long time.

And now it’s like every other president is facing impeachment.