The Jordan Peterson Thread

But you can buy Mein Kampf lol


It seems Cambridge withdrew their fellowship position. They haven’t said the reason why but I think it’s obvious.

Edit m: missed the post by tempogain

The whiny armchair quarterbacks if the likes of you have anything to say(whine) about it. Change comes from within, or somesuch…

again, utter nonce.

the world is on fire, things are worse than they have ever been, gotta get back to our puritan roots.

people like him do one thing well then they over step their expertise.

That’s not even what he’s saying.

And this has to do with what? The rise of atheism, rejection of religious and cultural values?

Would you agree that a psychotherapist suggesting people who put their houses in order might benefit from joining a group of like minded people with common values is a bad thing for society?

The downfall of western civilization started with the proliferation of psychotherapy which made every individual’s problems unique by removing them from a social context.

I think by making religious belief a cultural hot potato, as statements like yours does, takes away a good option for those who are lost.


I came here to discuss JP and his deplorable book banning in Kiwiland. What the hell is going on in this thread?

I know, right?

I would not object to a split.

I started it by posting a video about postmodernism. I thought JP would have approved :slight_smile: Trying to figure out how to split things here

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What’s Xenu up to these days?

Brought a knife to a gunfight. A really big knife, but still…

How are the gun control laws in LA?

If the perp had a sword, how did two cops get shot?


Thanks scientology, now we’ll have people saying we need to ban swords.

Scientologists have psychic powers and can manipulate time and space.

Or the officers shot each other. Possibly forced from mind control. Or the swordsman manipulated space and redirected the bullets.

Sounds like a complete clusterfuck. The cops are more of a danger than the perp.

They did get the swordsman with a head shot lol.

Third time lucky. The headshot was probably a ricochet.

Heh, no offence :wink:

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