The K-man's finest hour(s)

We 1.4 billion Chinese will never let Taiwan have any unique possibilities," claimed Huang.

ok…over/under on how many chromosomes she’s missing?

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She might have an extra one!

I think it’s time we have proper anti-treason laws in Taiwan.

Hard to argue with that…

“He said that when the family is together over the Lunar New Year holiday, they skillfully avoid discussing political topics.”


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Why is Taiwan news reporting of Chinese in the Us? Slow day, K-Man?

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Horribly slow. I dug some stuff my coworkers just wrote: no comments.

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A bit of China bashing never goes amiss.

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i think, because a week ago someone did nearly the same to a sea turtle in waters of Xiao Liuchiu

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Write about how vaccines are more accepted/trusted in SEA than in Europe/USA.


How global warming will kill us all

For the time being I guess. The anti-vaxxers are making inroads in Central America due to influence from US and someone tweeked the ideology, stating that “vaccines are made by imperial powers with te intention to kill us/make us infertile/make us sick/etc”. This has worked befroe in certain circles with -drumroll- toothpaste.

I am so glad that in Taiwan people do not seem to follow that crap…yet. The schools are mostly in charge of keeping track of vaccines and religion does not impede young people from getting HIV vaccines. So glad medical attention is so available here, too.

Shingles, anyone?

As to global warming, we can combine both: a deadly pathogen frozen in ice and killing us all when the permafrost is gone.

Currently reading The Swarm, which touches several of these topics. Highly recommended.

Whales begin sinking ships. Toxic, eyeless crabs poison Long Island’s water supply. The North Sea shelf collapses, killing thousands in Europe. Around the world, countries are beginning to feel the effects of the ocean’s revenge as the seas and their inhabitants begin a violent revolution against mankind. At stake is the survival of the Earth’s fragile ecology—and ultimately, the survival of the human race itself



The Khmer Rouge used to go around hacking off the arms of vaccinated children in Cambodia. (Well at least according to Colonel Kurtz)

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Yes, I am very happy how my kids got all vaccines as soon as they were ready to receive them. They were quite proactive to let us know to come in. And my wife said people who would not comply would get reprimanded.

Here’s the Guardian poking its nose in where no one cares.

Mike Haack, LOL.

Vaccines are cultural appropriation. Only the French should be allowed them.

she’s doubling/tripling down today:

黃智賢今( 20 )日在臉書表示,說台灣民主?我噗嗤一聲,笑出來了!更直言「台灣不是一個國家」


more of her drooling blabber on local newsites.

The facts and only the facts


This is news?

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I like how a restaurant closing down has been turned into an “Korean Fish Man Bad” article.

Goods come in, goods come out

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