The narratives about Antifa thread

Nobody is stalking you. This is a public site. You were the one warned about stalking, by mods Now you are posting meritless ideas and backseat modding again. Save the mall cop routine its corny AF.

Stick to meme generator its kinda sorta funny at least.

everyone needs to chill and hug it out alright?

to jd, I was just curious to know if he considered us democracy just that? I see it more as a revolving door kleptocratic oligarchy myself, gerrymandered to shit to prevent actualizing the policies most Americans would like to see and that would raise their standard of living to what should be expected of the alleged greatest country on satans green earth.

i think the motivation was vitriolic and more in line with the mass actions of those following a cult (of personality), but in general I think civil disobedience is a good thing.

no “moderate” in any time period accomplished anything revolutionarily or worthwhile in my opinion. not everyone holds my opinion however, particularly on this forum. motivation and intention are what’s important. means and ends.

does one value human life more or property? depending on your answer and considering the fact that the police are primarily used (not always) to defend property and willing to take lives to do so (or for another example shuffle about house less folk), you may come to different conclusions about who they actually serve, who they actually protect.

Black man beaten by police officers in St. Louis, white officers acquitted by all-white jury. But, he must have doing something wrong, right?
Except he was an undercover police officer. He didn’t reveal his identity at the time, because he didn’t want to blow his cover, but he complied with everything he was told to do, and they beat him anyway, for the hell of it.

Hall, who had been recording criminal activity during the protests, became separated from his partner while fleeing officers who were firing pepper-spray pellets and bean bag rounds into the crowd.
The assistant US attorney Carrie Costantin told the jurors that as Hall was complying with orders to get on the ground, he was knocked down, hit, picked up and knocked down again before being attacked with fists, feet and a baton.
Hall said he did not push, fight or pull away from the officers. He said he was stunned.
“I couldn’t believe it was happening,” he told the jury.
As the rioters at the Capitol demonstrated, Blue Lives Matter Unless They’re Also Black.


Peaceful Antifa protestors demonstrating at Federal building in Portland, Oregon on Saturday night:

Nobody will be prosecuted for arson though because the local DA won’t press chargers against left-wing insurrectionists.

This one is golden. Hard to feel sorry for them.

Just days before a series of White Lives Matter rallies were to take place in cities across the U.S., the movement has fallen into shambles after antifascists posed as event organizers and lured unsuspecting racists to join several fake Telegram channels.

On Thursday, the administrators of the “White Lives Matter” channels for Seattle and New Jersey suddenly changed their avatar to an antifa flag and revealed themselves to be a “honeypot,” created to draw in extremists and glean information about them. The “NYC White Lives Matter” channel followed suit.

By Friday morning, White Lives Matter organizers were doing damage control, trying to assure the public all was well ahead of Sunday’s big event in cities across the country. “To quickly clarify. Antifa did not infiltrate the ‘nation admins’. No,” they wrote in a statement on a Telegram channel that has over 2,000 subscribers. “Antifa infiltrated a small, semi-public chat where people were reminded to keep the content clean on their channel.”

But some subscribers to the channel didn’t know what to believe anymore. “Why is this happening?” wrote one user with the handle “JD.” “I’m so fucking sick of this shit.”

“Too many damn feds and antifa sniffing around,” another user with the handle “Freedom” replied.

“What an absolute garbage dumpster fire,” another remarked.

Nowhere is safe! :sweat_smile:


Not if one happens to be female and working at Vice.

I’m not sure what you’re implying here, are you able to clarify? :thinking:

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Attacking the messenger seems to be flavor of the 15 minutes on here. Isn’t Vice the sexual harassment place to go? Or am I thinking of a different Vice?

On where, vice? Forumosa? I have no clue what this means.

I have no idea, she works there, I guess she’s fine…what does that have to do with the antifa article though, the stuff that happened?

It would have nothing to do with the antifa article. Discounting anything solely because of the source would be idiotic.

If something is connected in any way the the Koch brothers then it is an untrustworthy right wing blog and anything published there is clearly biased propaganda and not to be taken seriously.

If a publication such as Vice has a few bad apples, the competition might point it out:

If a publication succeeds as Vox has a few bad apples, the competition might point it out:

So, the litmus test is not sexual harassment, which doesn’t tarnish an entire publication. The test is Koch funding, which tarnishes the entire publication as well as anyone who writes for it or reads from it. Duh.

Still not sure what you’re on about, your mind is obviously on other things, cheers.

It did, like, happen though.


Things can also be reported in other media. It might be MSM, or not.

But, you don’t get what I’m on about. Which I’ve gotten used to.

I usually get whwr you’re on about but I’m not entirely clear in this case either. Can you explain. a bit?

Antifa stole my shoes. I know it was them.


The non-MSM source is dodgy, therefore the content should be ignored. I don’t agree with this but you have repeatedly stated that you do.

Tick, tick, tick… quotes please.

That would constitute illegal organized activity, report them!

Back on topic, though the tweet has someone mentioning doxxing, I have a feeling that by getting the white lives matter people into their groups, the people joining entered into an agreement to disclose their information. Just a hunch.

I’d assume parler has the same issues, if it still even exists, no clue if it does.

Start with you. Please show me where I said that.

The poor showing underscores how the country’s unpopular and disorganized extremist movements have been driven underground by increased scrutiny from the media, law enforcement agencies and far-left activists who infiltrate their private online spaces and disrupt their attempts to communicate and organize.

Few “White Lives Matter” marchers showed up Sunday, but anti-racist and anti-fascist groups gathered just the same.

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a small crowd of antifa and anti-racist protesters gathered at the park where the “White Lives Matter” march was planned. They marched around downtown behind a large white sign that read, “WE ACCEPT YOUR SURRENDER.”

Good natured ribbing, love to see it. :smile:

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Tick, tick, tick, tick… BOOM!

I’m not going to search for the multiple occasions you have discounted something solely because it is from a RW source. You know what you have done.

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