The narratives about Trump thread

There’s no perfect solutions, which is sad. But I like Trump’s attempts to deescalate, in Syria and in NK. How successful it will be we will have to wait and see. Afghanistan I can’t see the US pulling out anytime soon, because it will just become another flash point in a matter of years. Iran, I would like to see become less hostile, but think Kerry has convinced them to resist and wait out the Trump admin, so perhaps there will be no progress on that front.

And Def. Secretary Mattis giving resignation letter.

This is almost too good to be true.
But, with the holiday break, he’s running full-steam ahead.

Watch as in the media Mattis goes from a potential warmonger to a hero of the people!

The picture is pretty clear to anyone watching from a distance. When the media and leaders of the Democrats are heaping praise on a Republican or member of the Trump team, you are looking at one of the team global. Call it the McCain treatment.

Which is entirely what you can take away from his resignation letter, differences in opinion regarding an “international order” and how to deal with Russia and China.

Globalists already tipped their hand what they wanted in that regard, Clinton running on a no fly zone in Syria and EU pushing tanks into Poland.

Except Trump and others, myself included, don’t think an actual war with Russia is a good idea. CNN can lament why doesn’t the President just doesn’t go along with the intelligence agencies that have been trying to take him out for 2 years now, still doesn’t change the fact, wars are not a good idea and even worse when implemented purely for geopolitical gain.



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Saw that, it’s running it’s predictable course.

Invite Schumer and Pelosi in for a chit chat. They go on record saying Trump doesn’t have the votes in the House plus he can’t know what will happen in the Senate, he replies he will shut down the Government if he doesn’t get funding for his wall and the bill will pass the House no problem.

Bill just passed the House, Senate no doubt (needing 60 votes) will not pass, government shutdown to follow. Schumer and Pelosi already out trying to sell this as Trumps fault, media will push that narrative too, not sure how many will buy it though.

It just happened on CNN this morning.


Saw that earlier too, they were lamenting why couldn’t we just have a totalitarian state where intelligence agencies decide everything and the media compliantly carry water for them and can be complicit in pushing an agenda as well as assisting in taking down any and all threats to the globalist agenda.

Although, they might not have put it in quite those words.

Already happening.



As an anti-war libertarian type, watching the “anti-war” left pitch a hissy fit as Trump withdraws troops from Syria and Afghanistan is absolutely hilarious. Their principles are surface-thin…


Yup, this is something that is becoming a distinguishing feature of the far left agenda. principles like freedom of speech, equality for all, innocent until proven guilty, all gone.

Pretending to care about racism, until a black person speaks out against them and then you hear some of the most racist and foul language from them. Pretending to care about protecting the rights of women, until you suggest in the trans debate womens rights might be infringed, then it’s not about them and you are accused of denying the right of a trans person to exist.

I think principles have gone out the window and been replaced with a cult like mentality to gather different groups of identity politics groups, not to pick on them specifically but because it demonstrates quite clearly the contradiction, Muslims, who really if you look at the ideology are not really in sync with liberal attitudes towards the LGBT community or free speech or just about anything, but Muslims will overwhelmingly support left leaning parties and the left overlook the clear contradiction in principles, because principles are no longer the primary factor which guides them.


I think I could have bet any amount of money on CNN being among the first to give Mattis the McCain treatment.


The talking heads were hyperventilating so hard I thought they were going to pass out. If all you watched were CNN, you’d be forgiven for believing that the Trump impeachment hearings start tomorrow.

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lol. Nice headlines.
kind of like Star Trek.
Trump is going where no president has (with courage) gone before.


Time to shut it down and cash in!

Maybe wait till it reaches a billion?

Don’t be too greedy, 9M can buy shaved ice for decades!

But a shaved ice wall won’t last through the summer. This isn’t Game of Thrones.


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