The narratives about Trump thread

Damn Trump.



The world tends to associate the right with anti immigration. Let alone illegal immigration.

Or as CNN says…a banana really is a banana. So is an apple

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Powerless you say …

Sorry, but that’s a delusion. The right is always the first to bring in cheap foreign labor. They lied to you. If you believed them, then you only have yourself to blame.

From yesterday:

You’d think if the left-wing has so much power, you could name at least one bill. Whining that “transgender people want to use the same bathroom as me” doesn’t cut it as a serious argument.

So in conclusion , the right can’t debate on this issue or any issues, fails non-stop, and Trump has no accomplishments except for burning your children’s fortune in a vast bonfire.

Feel free to post a fact or logical argument any time now. I’ve posted PAGES Trump’s unmitigated, non-stop failures, which you conveniently ignore, and you respond with FEELINGS because your entire world-view is literally just a projection of your own flaws.

So what we really see here is that righty can’t debate on this issue or any issue because merely acknowledging the issue (Trump’s non-stop failure) is a humiliation for them.

A child who lops off his wily and regrets it in adulthood could be far more serious to that person that any passing administration or tweaks in policy.

I have no dog in this fight. I like Nassim Taleb’s approach to politics:

“At Fed level, libertarian; state, Republican; local, Democrat; family/friends, socialist.”

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If I could vote in the US I’d vote Tulsi

You’re right, DJT is the worst president since Hillary R. Clinton lost the 2016 election. Anybody who finds him to be the best worst case scenario is lacking in the ability to research through the proper channels how things are far worse than they appear. Deep in his heart he hates all non-white individuals and this can be proven by the words he doesn’t explicitly express but, they’re there. Please continue the fight for the right.

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My wettest dream is:

Tulsi gets scammed during the democratic primaries like Bernie in 2016.
Instead of becoming a beta-shill like Bernie, she exposes the scam and causes massive outrage.
Tulsi joins the Republican party.
Trump-Tulsi 2020, Pence retires or joins Bernie in his hard job of renaming post offices.

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you may be short?

I think the right hopes for this too. Hence her cordial appearances on Tucker Carlson. Keep your friends close but keeps your enemies closer.

Feel free to post an actual argument anyti-- nevermind, I don’t expect that even 20 of you right-wing talking heads could do that. You’re not here to debate on facts or actual issues, cause you’d lose. It’s 1 vs 20 here and I’m winning by default, since you can’t even articulate a real argument.

Awww…and you pride yourself on your reading abilities too… go get 'em glass tiger.

I think I already wrote somewhere that from a political point of view Tulsi for me is a mixed bag: I agree 100% with some of her position, while for others I’m 100% against. She has a huge advantage over other dem candidates, though: she sounds like a reasonable human being. Which probably means she has 0 chances of being the dem candidate.

The inevitable will happen. The radical left will drag her into the mud with the usual diversity, trans rights, gender pay gap and all that and will pounce on any gotcha opportunity. How Tulsi handles this will be the test of her colors

Still no response or argument to speak of, eh?

The inevitable will happen: You’ll smear anyone who gets the nomination. If it’s Bernie or someone like him, you’ll scream about the “radical-left”. If it’s a center-right moderate like Biden, you’ll scream that the right-wing warmongers stole the nomination from Bernie. LOL!

Do you even listen to yourselves? Delusions, that’s all you have.

Well , in my absence, there certainly seems to be more … er balance … between the sides :wink: . I guess Taiwanease guys needed a word eventually :wink:welcome :blush: memes , jokes , policy … but keep it witty and without too much venom …it’s upsets the old fart gentlemen :kissing_heart:

Safe space?