The narratives about Trump thread

Post an argument any day now! Preferably something better than “trans gender people want to use the same bathroom as me”. You shouldn’t’ be peeking at people in the bathroom anyway, it’s none of your business.

If you keep on using language like this, you’re going to get banned sooner or later. Just a friendly reminder.

While you’re here, take another look at Trump’s non-stop failures:

2014 remains the best year for job growth since 1999
2015 remains the best year for GDP growth since 2006
Budget deficits up 50%
N Korean tested more missiles under Trump than under all previous presidents combined and doubled their nuclear arsenal

No please don’t ban him I like him

Please don’t post an argument, you’d lose. Better to ignore the constant failures of the right and whine about transgender people, which make up like .01% of the population.

Not my decision (if it was, I wouldn’t ban him either). But @Mick doesn’t take kindly to repeated personal attacks as they’re against site rules.

These people need our love and compassion

Safe space?

Oh the irony!

We need you to stop forming opinions about things you know nothing about. Is that too much to ask?

You still can’t even name ONE left-wing policy to pass US federal govt in 20 years!

Can you see the correlation?


Do you even know that “safe space” means?

Trump sure likes em low oil prices

Yeah, definitely true… if you don’t know how to read a graph, or an axis label, or do research at all…

Often it’s the social, cultural and other effects that are more potent. e.g. Boy without Willy

6.1k posts…Trump knows how to work social media

Wow! What an incredible argument! Trump and his supporters are trolling the West into annihilation, and all because roughly .01% of people are born with a condition called gender dysphoria.

Honestly, where do you get your information from?

Don’t forget James Damore, the Google hero

.01% of 8 billion is a lot of people, gotta be in the thousands. They need compassion and respect

but, who want 98% of males to love them. :tophat: tip @Andrew0409

Isn’t it great to have a president who abuses his powers to defend violent thugs as part of a cynical ploy to gain support? Orange man has bad judgement, but we should all pretend otherwise to avoid offending his narrow base.

Wasn’t the violent thug defending himself in Sweden?

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