The not-sure-if-racist thread

It"s very hard to not express a desire for consideration of all sides of the issue , without being labelled a racist .
Of course this twitter by Cleese will also be deemed intolerant, no doubt.


I imagine he’s thinking to himself that his real life has turned into a Monty Python skit.

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We are all individuals…we are all different…:wink:

They already have an “Asian” on the panel.

Specifically, this one.

EDIT: oops, I see shiadoa got there first. Anyway, you can never have too many LoB clips, IMHO.


Apparently they haven’t heard about inner city schools.

Tiger’s former coach was asked on his (own) radio show who would win the US Open. He said that he didn’t follow the women’s game but would go with a Korean…and said something like “I have to go with somebody named Lee”.

His show was cancelled.

He was called racist and sexist.

A Korean named Lee then won the US Open.


i would’ve laughed out loud if i had been listening.
he should’ve then forecasted a Kim in second and a Park in third just to piss them really off


She fakes an issue about a divider and doesn’t say anything about how freakishly long that cashier’s arms would have to be to do that? Or she doesn’t know how having a job works where you’re operating on auto-pilot.

Never, ever try to park in third. They’ll take your car keys away.

So, this is fun.

A guy was working the reservation desk for a Holiday Inn in Texas and he heard a woman call him a racial slur on the phone. When she came in, he denied services to her - she didn’t deny using it. He was fairly good in the video of him talking to her, which he recorded.

The Internet finds out he’s a gay, black man…A LITERAL HERO!

Then, apparently a few hours later “internet sleuths” discovered he had old tweets that showed he didn’t like ‘trans people’ and, well, here are the hateful, spiteful words that probably sound like they came from the mouth of Hitler.

"When asked about his rapid milkshake-ducking, Brooks told BuzzFeed News: “They’re mad lol I said what I said. People are so sensitive. I’m gay and I KNOW people will not agree with me being gay. I just don’t and will never get trans. Period.”

You probably think that’s bad but a few years ago he tweeted that he didn’t like Trump but agreed with his stance on trans in the miltiary.

A Man Has Quickly Become A Meme For Calmly Telling A Woman “It’s Above Me” After She Called Him A Racial Slur



It’s actually a good guess. My moms maiden name is lee and my cousins are Kims lol.

If you asked me who will be the next great baseball player. A Dominican named Garcia lol.


Quintessentially British

Even I have agree this one is out of line.

In one game of the 2006 WBC 4 of 9 hitters in S.Korea’s lineup–all 3 of their outfielders and their DH-- were named Lee.

When you are just joking around… but…

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