The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

I for one am jealous of the tenaciousness, I wish I had that much grit

If I had that much grit, my molars would be ground to dust by now.


the latter, then the former

Can I get y’all to write my book back cover bio if I ever get around to it one day? I like the sound of that!

Sure, but I want my cut of the royalties.

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If the same list had been produced from a progressive perspective I think you’d be supporting it.

In terms of free speech it is a bit blurry, as freedom of speech and expression often ends up when people complicate matters. Yes, it is a partial ban on free speech in certain situations. Would I ban CRT being taught in schools? Yes. Would I ban it being preached to government workers? No, but I would allow them to disagree with it.

Can I be honest there? I can’t be honest here…

My understanding was it was just taxpayer dollars not spent on these things in that state (like $60K for a Robin DiAngelo talk at your university). Did I miss something there?

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I don’t believe a progressive would try to ban a branch of academic thought.

This is where the background of the guy sponsoring it and his intent come in, IMO.

That is censorship, and for all anyone knows in this room there could be CRT scholars criticizing the far left.

I don’t think it ever is. If we want to get really cynical, this is a way for white guys that don’t want to be told what to do to avoid sensitivity training and things like that.

Mark Ammon sponsored this bill. Do a little digging into his record and past, if you don’t mind. You’ll see why I’m wary of his intentions esp with the fuzziness of the language. Imagine how a far right judge would interpret that. This bill reads like a way to muzzle talk of inequities and defund universities.

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The intention of this legislation, almost in its entirely. The backgrounds of those proposing it and their source of financial backing. And the intention of CRT as an academic discipline. Besides that, nothing.

Your interpretation of the intention is not necessarily the intention. Also has nothing to do with complaints about CRT as have been articulated in this thread by myself and others.

This is ad hominem again, not that I’m defending those people it is just an empty argument (who are some other handy scapegoats, Soros perhaps?)

irrelevant; I have made my views on CRT as an academic discipline clear to you previously, but it is still irrelevant; and anyways, intentions are again subjective and not homogenous

Canadian residential schools had good intentions, it doesn’t excuse their mistakes

Perfect, that’s what I figured.

There’s a difference between scapegoating Soros versus Koch Brothers funding fraud scholars in UNIs to the tune of millions. And you’ve been presented with evidence this is the case, but choose to disregard it.

Remember how they’d fund bunk science when they wanted to prove Climate change wasn’t real?

Again, specifics would make this credible or remotely interesting. I’d ask you to name the programs you have gripes with etc but good luck. Can you name a Canadian CRT scholar whos work you dislike yet? Any particular programs? You come around to finding those names yet?

I’ll keep it general as that is how normal conversations work. I can’t see any ban on academic thought. What is taught to young learners is always censored, to the extent that a curriculum and syllabi are created. I think it’s fair for white guys to avoid doing sensitivity training if they are not allowed to disagree with anything they are told to do.


Who knows about this stuff and has popcorn?


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that took me one minute, didn’t have to look it up, just saying…

And again I’d suggest that this is a RW reading of the intentions of CRT.

Isn’t Forumosa and half of these politics threads just a RW leaning CRT discussion? Its pretty much a bunch of people criticizing theories about race isn’t it?

I’m pretty sure if you scroll up I have referenced Freire positively in this very thread #criticalcredibility

edit: nope, it was over here

I am not RW, which isn’t particularly relevant unless you are looking for it.

Is there anything wrong with criticising theories about race? This thread is doing just that. I’m sure you know of some racial theories that need criticism.

I wasn’t implying you are, but that you are importing a RW definition of CRT that is not accurate in describing it IMO.

Right! We agree. And CRT as a discipline is just doing what we are doing here in Forumosa. So the idea of banning this as a study or a practice in academic or professional settings seems counterproductive. The idea is a dialogue on race that eliminates racism, right?