The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

I have three guesses:

  1. Technical mistake, it will be back soon (perhaps with minor changes); seems most likely
  2. Someone reasonable with influence (President Becky, perhaps) pointed out how what is there written can backfire, easily, and that they should focus on teaching instead of so explicitly \ pushing an ideology that is clearly unpopular and difficult to justify (hence all the backlash from the general public); seems least likely
  3. Parents, government stakeholders, and their members backlashed so strong the union leaders realized they might destroy their union in the name of their ideology and made the selfish choice

and totally relevant

when satire becomes reality:

We’ve already learned this, Rachel Dolezal etc. I’ve lost track of how many fake Indigenous profs have shown up in Canada. But the classmates of mine who got big-money scholarships were all (100%) either those who identified as minorities or those whose research focused on minorities. Those who got tenure track jobs in Canada were 100% those who identified as minorities.

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Wow, that was quick. CRT just went from “obscure legal theory” to “not being taught in K12” to “irreplaceable” in a matter of weeks.

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Is that the lens of white privilege? :grin:

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So, were people telling fibs when they said CRT wasn’t being taught and it was all a right wing boogeyman?

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No. They were telling “their truth.” Big difference.


is it, though?

For proponents of CRT whatever they say is the truth.

At least it’s out in the open now and we all know where we stand.


Stop playing games with semantics! It’s a white supremacist construct…

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It feels to me like the progressives have been out-progressived. The progressives were maintaining the illusion that DEI programmes weren’t heavily influenced by CRT while also stating that critics didn’t understand CRT, then the even more extreme progressives have said “screw that! CRT is our religion and is being proudly used in schools”.


Great post on Legal Insurection, outlines just how coordinated and how vast the coalition to push CRT is, talking points, action strategies, how to respond to people who complain and how to frame arguments.

It’s not just one group that produced the Messaging Guide, it’s a highly organized coalition of hundreds of activist and union groups, backed by an extensive network of funders, consultants, influencers, and public relations professionals, all part of the coalition that produced the Messaging Guide. And deep in the mix is NEA, which now is throwing its own massive funds and membership to push CRT into schools nationwide.

NEA has gone far beyond negotiating the terms and conditions of its members’ employment. At some point school districts and local and state governments are going to have to address why NEA now is trying to dictate substantive curriculum, and bullying parents who object.

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AKA ‘excessives.’


“We Are Teachers.” You mean, like, uh…law school professors? :thinking:

The big picture here is once a civilization begins engaging in industrial scale self loathing and internal division it’s not long before it self destructs.

As events impact society, teachers have a responsibility to teach the truth. As black lives matter protests exploded across the country and the world teachers taught what ‘black lives matter’ meant. The reaction of teachers to now teach the truth about critical race theory and explain systemic racism, is a natural one.

For the echo chamber, give yourself a pat on the back for confirmation bias, but I don’t think that’s what you meant by saying CRT is being taught in schools. I find it ironic that the movement to ban critical race theory, limit academic freedom and speech, will only encourage the proliferation of that very subject being taught in schools. If you’re going to deliberately create a panic over a non-existent threat, don’t be surprised when educators feel it’s their obligation to counter that with rationality.

Teach the truth sounds to me like a perfect counter balance to right wing extremism, or any extremism for that matter.

Do you not feel, at the very least, embarrassed?

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The state should stick to teaching facts. When it starts advocating political theories as truths it’s indoctrinating, not teaching.