The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

Ha ha ha, this belongs in the objective media thread!

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Maybe it’s all a great distraction. At least that’s a view in some places.

For GOP, smearing critical race theory is Job 1

You might think that the people we send to the state Capitol each election would do their best to at least work on them.

But, as they say, you would think wrong.

Instead, our legislative leadership is wasting its time on “problems” that aren’t problems at all.

The big issue, as the assumed front-runner for the GOP nomination and the Assembly speaker have already signaled, will center on something called critical race theory. It’s the latest deceptive branding tactic, perfected by the infamous Karl Rove, that succeeds in making an everyday normal position look like it’s something sinister.

Now that’s a theory that warrants scrutiny by the voters.


an everyday normal position

The Dems better think about how to actually start defending CRT–beyond saying “how dare Republicans campaign on an issue we don’t like”–or give it up, or they will keep getting creamed on it. This amusing phrase was the extent of such in that article.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: From CRT thread

There are misunderstandings such as the following used as a defence, but of course not every lesson about race is necessarily CRT. From people who know what they’re talking about, this is a lie.

But, how does one defend the indefensible? CRT does not have a place in K12 education, but it is there in policy and curriculum, and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know what they are talking about. And if this is preventing people from learning that racism is bad, CRT is actually doing more harm than good to society.

Anyone who thinks racism is bad for society should worry more about that, and not waste time thinking about how to defend CRT in K12 education.

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Comparing Republicans to Nazi book burners policing thought in the classroom seems to be working. Repubs made up CRT (how it’s currently used) so why would Dems choose to play on their terms and defend something the other side made up? That’s how you lose a culture war. You must make it clear that the other side is being deliberately deceitful to distract from important issues like the economy.

Yep, I just heard it elsewhere, on the show of someone I used to greatly respect. Sad and absurd.

If that’s the best they have, I think there is a pretty obvious response:

No, upthread there is a statement from a major teacher’s union as well as several academic papers that show this isn’t true.

If Dems start making up that it is made up, given that there is enough paper to demonstrate that it isn’t, why would the Repubs choose to play on their terms?

Being morally right, knowing what you are talking about, and being honest and straightforward that’s how you win. To paraphrase Bill Maher, don’t make me Tucker Carlson on this one, you’re the nut jobs.

This is what the right are doing. This is why they just won a state-level election. The only politically sound strategy for the Dems on CRT is to cut their losses and stop defending it. To defend it with lies while asking why the party that is not in power is not focusing on infrastructure is dishonest, illogical and hypocritical; down that path is the loss of centrist voters (especially voters with kids, and immigrants).

A nice article on this question I missed somehow


I tried to find that video in this thread, of the woke guy and the white supremacist who bond over all the things they agree with (such as the jewish question), but the tab crashed from the load. so i tried to find it on youtube, but there is so much woke+antisemetic stuff now that i couldn’t get it despite a few different queries!

edit: good share, most of the ideas a summary of what we’ve seen but links to other supporting arguments. @Malasang88 will probably ignore since there is no mention of Rufo (i did a search to be double sure)!

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I don’t remember that! I prefer Daryl Davis :slight_smile:

i took another look and found it, though with those searches in the youtube algorithm i’ll probably have to deal with a lot of far-right video suggestions for a little while!

but you’re worth it, TG. the joke in question is at the end


Not far off from hat I have been thinking. Why Blackrock and others are pushing ESG scores for corporations.

More on a geopolitical level and I think they are only scratching the surface here.

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I only heard of ESG yesterday and now I see it here.

A girl I know, who works at a bank in Taiwan, was telling me that ESG is the big thing at the moment.

No loan for companies which aren’t green enough.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Waste of everyone’s time

It’s almost like I can discuss your post, without having to discuss it on your terms.

Did Poundsand just get censored? I was following that conversation. Apart from the bickering back and forth, the details were interesting.

Not really, had nothing to do with the point I as making.

Really. Apparently I can only respond to Mick’s points on his terms, rather than being able to respond to the actual contents of the links he posts. :roll_eyes: