The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Ask a stupid question…

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I didn’t ask a question in my original post. My post was about things evening out. Then you gave a reply that had zero to do with that point. Weird. Not really.


Like you and MAGA and the GOP? :joy:


the projection is strong with that one

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Agree with that. I’d certainly rather the US be the dominant power than any of the plausible alternatives.

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Well we certainly proved that with this last round of not really wars in the Eurasian historical sense of the word.

I’m not sure ‘woke’ is the correct categorisation? But: Canadian government bureaucrats now discriminating against organisations that uphold orthodox Christian values. Discrimination is okay when you don’t have protected minority status:

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I’d say they’re more towards the twitching-eyelid end of the religious spectrum rather than ‘orthodox’, but that does seem to be a clear case of discrimination.

Seems to have been more of a procedural problem.

I definitely think MAGA/GOP are more significant than Lucky Charms, you got me there.

I also fixate on problems like China, and Russia. Got me again. :joy:

Hey, rainbow-colored cereal is second only to rainbow Legos as an existential problem for our civilisation.

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No idea what you’re talking about here.

Yet shockingly NOT on the DNC, Cuomo, Hunter Biden et al…you know, the ones with actual proof of wrongdoing behind them.


Is willing to do two years military service to become a South Korean citizen.
I wonder if there is any news on this in Korea?

Ya, apparently they commented, “Sorry Oli, we are a modern society now so all of our doors use hinges. Being unhinged is quaint but, not acceptable.”

Or they’ll shut up and keep getting plastic surgery on their eyes to look “more western.”

I once bought a new Friday night shirt thinking it would get me laid. I guess others do other things.

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Did it work?

I guess “non-binary” people have to work a hell of a lot harder than just buying new shirts, given that their potential matches are drawn from a much smaller pool.

Probably not.

Painting one’s self into a corner of one’s own devising deserves a lot of kudos in our brave new world.

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