The peak woke thread (Part 1)

A CRT Olympiad could be quite a spectacle.

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I’m not sure what this means, like:

every podium must have perfect racial representation of medals awarded, or it is clearly racist?
the whole thing is structurally racist
the oppression olympics should be formalized

Aren’t we watching it now?

The word “curry” is sooooo oppressive, you guys!

Is it ok to say curry with an ersatz Indian accent?

Here is your curry in a hurry, sir! Thank you, come again.”


I don’t think that’s precisely what I would say exactly.

What a nasty little article. And I think LCK is a piece of shit and is terribly unfunny.

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Ha ha:


I was delighted that they missed out on a gold. Can’t stand the mouthy woman with purple hair.

I agree that he is a creepy piece of shit, but you don’t find this funny?


He has his moments.


There’s an endless stream of this kind of posts from random blogs on any such issue.

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Honestly I find his comedy more cringe than what he got in trouble for. His comedic style can be boiled down to deadpan (or sleepy) observational. His show never did much for me. Maybe he should’ve gone the shock route and pulled his ‘little louie’ out on stage like he did with his friends.

Well, it could’ve been 40 seconds…


This isn’t a tad patronising? I suppose 40 minutes of sage advice about how to get a uni position might be of some use.

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How long does the woke police think people should be cancelled? He didn’t rape anyone. He pulled his slinky out in front of some lady (and male) friends. It’s creepy and wrong, but it’s not like he had a rape button under his desk like Matt Lauer or roofied people like Cosby. His career has been destroyed, so I think he’s learned his lesson. If people still don’t like him, they don’t have to go to his shows.



I haven’t seen enough of his comedy to make an informed decision. The first one that came up on youtube made me laugh.

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I think I dislike him in part because I worked with this guy who fancied himself an amateur stand-up and idolized Louie (before he got in trouble of course) and basically would attempt a worse version of his stuff on stage.

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