The peak woke thread (Part 1)

blasphemy, the word of the woke is infallible and there can be no other possible way in which to consider the sum total of human complexity; all those who do not follow the one true orthodoxy are heretics and must be cancelled.


Some professors called for his cancellation. Students I can kind of get, but adult academics? That is so sad.

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Some professors are neck deep in the wokeness, especially in fields like education. Melissa Click is a nice caricature example. Students aren’t doing this on their own, they are being taught to be activists by professors who increasingly get on the tenure track because they are not straight white men.

And the professors were no doubt taught in a woke environment if they completed their post graduate studies within the last 20 years or so.

There’s an unhealthy political imbalance in universities and I can only see intolerance to differing opinions growing worse.

Maybe not in STEM, and anyways not all of us were weak-minded enough to drink the Kool-Aid!

I agree, and the disdain with which the concept of diversity of thought is viewed by people who consider themselves great thinkers suggests to me that they are overpaid!

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Wokeness is infiltrating STEM now. I never thought that would happen.

I’m 30 minutes into the special so far, totally worth it (though I’ve been a Chapelle fan since Robin Hood)

He’s great but he does reuse a lot of material in the last few years.

I think that’s why he said he’s done with alphabet jokes.

I like Chapelle, and I’ve watched the special. I didn’t find it offensive, and there are some pretty good trans jokes in there. There are plenty of pretty bad ones too, though, which boil down to “haha man in a dress”. Still, I think his heart is in the right place.

I do sort of wonder what Daphne Dornan would have thought of the show’s final punchline: I knew your father, he was a wonderful woman.

Anyway, I hope he sticks to his assertion that he’s done with the topic, because his material on it honestly isn’t as good as his other stuff, and however it’s meant it still feeds the morons on both ends of the spectrum.

Men wearing dresses has been a comedic staple for ever. I’m possibly showing my age here.

Sure, but I’m not sure those were jokes about trans people. There’s a difference.

In any case, I think Chapelle can do better.

What’s the solution? Chapelle doing better?

The solution to what? Chapelle making lazy jokes sometimes? I’m not sure it needs solving, but sure, making better jokes would be, uh, better.

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Have you actually watched his new NF special yourself ?

Yep. I’m pretty positive about it overall.


The solution to jokes about trans people.

The solution is for Trans people to grow a (new) pair. Anything goes in comedy.

I still don’t get it. Asking for a solution implies there’s a problem. What’s the problem?

Sure, but I’m not sure those were jokes about trans people. There’s a difference.

That read like you had a problem with jokes about trans people.