The peak woke thread (Part 1)

I didn’t post that the author said that Starbucks can’t make a decision regarding their toilets.

I’ve scrolled up again with Toiletgate and it didn’t happen.

It’s not a big issue, a number two at best.

Is the post you have an issue with @Poundsand ? I’m trying to understand what your problem is.

I’ve made the effort move onto a computer @Poundsand and I’m close to giving up on this. Reply quickly if you’re interested, or I’m out for a walk.

I really don’t get what you are on about.

this post is where you appear to explicitly claim. the author is suggesting it’s not starbucks’s decision to make:

What you are reading into my post is not what I meant at all. I’m struggling to see how you are reading into my post what you are reading into it.
This is ridiculous. You must me taking the piss.

EDIT: I get it now (possibly?). You’re dicking around with modal verbs. What I say the author says shouldn’t happen as opposed to what the author says can’t happen? I’m trying to be as explicit as possible here.

“And Starbucks are reconsidering this business decision. It’s their decision, not the author’s.”

This is not ‘can’t’. Neither I nor the author are saying ‘can’t’ here. I am also not suggesting that the author is suggesting that Starbucks ‘can’t’ control their toilets.

dafuq. I’m not taking a piss, but I don’t see how we’re so far off in understanding. The post I pointed to doesn’t have you saying anything about what should or shouldn’t happen - it has you making a claim about what the author suggests. I said “nobody has suggested otherwise” (that “it’s their [starbucks’s] decision, not the author’s”) and you said “the author of the piece has.” That’s it. Seems very straightforward.

so… you’re saying the author of the piece has NOT suggested it’s their decision, vs being Starbuck’s decision. I agree with that, but that’s not what you previously said. :smiley:

Yeah, but your unforgiving tenacity makes it worthwhile. :wink:

it takes two. :wink: :man_dancing:

(and, um, so you see what I’m saying about what he wrote, right? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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Gay sex porn in 90s 7th grade sex ed? Wow

Yeah yeah sure sure. :slight_smile:

Jeez @jdsmith, let it go already :roll_eyes:

You’d be so much better at “correcting” me if you actually knew the sound of my voice. Tone is everything. :smoker:


I miss when sports was about… sports. You could have someone on your team who had completely different views than you and it didn’t matter because it wasn’t relevant to kicking or throwing a ball through a hoop. Now everything, even jerseys, have to embody some forced social justice initiative or statement. If you’re recruiting kids from conservative backgrounds and cultures, of course some might not be on board with your corporate pride month initiatives that were cooked up by middle-aged career women in a boardroom over an alfalfa salad.

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Even a rugby team has to couch things in this absurd corporitized language they all use now.

I was in a Sephora makeup store last Sunday, in a thriving shopping mall full of happy thriving families, that must have been one of the most diverse spaces on Earth at the time. I’d bet on it actually. On their wall behind the counter, they had a statement saying “we may stumble but” they would always maintain their commitment to diversity. I wanted to ask them htf they thought they might possibly stumble in the act of selling makeup to people. I guess there really are a lot of pitfalls though.


I wonder if all this chatter and toe lining makes us kinder, better people.

As usual, I’m convinced that 95% of people totally ignore it.

Sucks to be in the 5% then. :woozy_face:

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It must be a nightmare.