The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Hopefully, white and POC lawyers! The more the merrier.

Just pull an Elizabeth Warren. If she can be native American because her great, great, great, grandad once once slept in a wigwam, then you can too

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Legality/morality of the policy aside, there is a big problem in what specifically defines a person of color. We’ll see how that pans out once they start deciding which teachers aren’t white.

Or who’s the most or least white. Family history needed along with your CV so history can be balanced by someone with a ridiculous degree in subjective morality. :face_vomiting: :nerd_face:

Yay! Racism! It’s what we all want.


Turkeys voting for Christmas. The teacher’s union which must be mostly white voted for this. Amazing.

Could be worse. Could be your armed forces.

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This is the brainchild of Ibram X. Kendi, at least to my knowledge he was to first to propose this.

“The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

To say they haven’t thought this though properly, would be an understatement. But I guess we will all get to watch this play out in real life.

Kendi is a relatively new member of this grift, though he is very prominent. It’s been around for decades: just look at affirmative action.

The terrifying aspect of all this is that people are afraid to call them out; afraid to put the correct name to what’s going on. if Ibram X. Kendi’s name were prefaced by the words “racial supremacist” every time he got a mention in the news, this poisonous nonsense would have been dead in a ditch long ago.

The people driving this sort of thing, IMO, have serious mental-health issues. Not so long ago they’d probably have been gently advised to go for therapy. Or fired. But because they’ve captured enough institutional power to feel untouchable, people clap along or quietly acquiesce … or as in the case of the RAF, feel unable to continue in their careers, leaving the lunatics in charge of the asylum. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to suggest that really bad things lie at the end of that path.

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Sweet offered a gentle criticism of the New York Times’s 1619 Project as evidence of this pattern. Many historians embraced the 1619 Project for its political messages despite substantive flaws of fact and interpretation in its content. Sweet thus asked: “As journalism, the project is powerful and effective, but is it history?”

Not here, it isn’t.

In this branch of academia, it does not matter whether the 1619 Project was truthful or factually accurate. The only concerns are whether its narrative can be weaponized for a political cause or used to deflect scrutiny of the same. As is often the case in the pseudo-moralizing political crusades of academia, the loudest demands against Sweet also came from the least-productive academics – historians with thin CVs and little in the way of original scholarly research to their names, although they do maintain 24/7 Twitter feeds of progressive political commentary.

“When we foreshorten or shape history to justify rather than inform contemporary political positions, we not only undermine the discipline but threaten its very integrity.”


That is insane.


And it’s my alma mater. Lucky I got out when I did… :cry:

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The original article:

‘[I] was not allowed to let my dad enter the house because he’s white,” the student wrote on Reddit.

“To be clear, it is not campus operated. This property is operated by a private landlord, and it is not the role of the campus to comment on what private landlords are ‘allowed’ to do,” he said.

I’m pretty sure this is illegal, not merely “not allowed”.


It’s amazing that the new fiction think that the government IS a business, not simply a fiction that is in the business of taxing people.

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That’s got to be the peak.

I mean, this seems pretty reasonable (other than the word “transphobia”):

“Doctors don’t have a lot of knowledge about trans bodies, and that’s where we might get people being misinformed about the risk of pregnancy on [hormone replacement therapy], or even people who are on estrogen or on hormone blockers are sometimes misinformed about their ability to impregnate,” Hall said. “That’s the result of institutional transphobia not prioritizing knowledge about trans bodies.”

For the rest of it, I’m not quite sure why their gender identity matters. I’d imagine abortion clinics don’t really care.

No, it’s not. This is. :no_mouth: