The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Sounds like a good read! Great talk

I mean the the information was extraordinary in that book but I thought it was really important because one of the key tactics is to say the culture war doesn’t exist, or the culture war is a right-wing myth, or that no one’s getting canceled, or that all of these things it’s just scaremongering. So what I decided I would do is I would catalog a lot of it. I would make sure that that there are sufficient number of examples so that that denial no longer stands. And as you know there’s extensive endnotes which source all of the stories.


At this point, no point in arguing with these people. True believers, fools, and grifters.


“There’s certain things minors cannot do because they’re minors. So you don’t think something as big as changing your gender, shouldn’t you wait until you’re at least 18? The fact that people can’t even have a conversation about that without labeling somebody transphobic is very, very, very, very strange to me because it’s not like these people are saying, ‘No, we don’t want anybody transitioning,’ you know. Or ‘being trans is wrong.’ They’re simply saying, ‘Hey, let these minors wait until they’re a certain age.’ That’s very worthy of a conversation,” Charlamagne said.


Not all Caucasians are white, so how would these muppets react if someone told them, I wonder?

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That’s gotta be a parody/ fake tweet, right?

If not, it appears it’s appealing directly to the white supremacy crowd.



A post was merged into an existing topic: Peak MAGA thread

Your posts continue to demonstrate that you cannot distinguish between reality and make-believe. At least you are consistent.

Doesn’t have to be, no. No shortage of this shit, been happening for years

Financial institutions caught in the middle…

“You have markets sitting there saying, I see what consumers are demanding, I see what the trends are going on globally, I want to move my capital to a sector that is able to invest capital and deliver stable returns,” he said. “The crazy wing of the Republican Party sees all that and says, ‘if we just call this woke capitalism, maybe we can scare financial institutions into making economic decisions that will steer money back to our congressional districts.’”

“Many liberal politicians are pressuring banks to use both their balance sheets and their influence to address issues wholly unrelated to banking, such as global warming, gun control, voter rights, and abortion,” Toomey said in a statement. “Several large banks have been far too willing to acquiesce to these demands by embracing a liberal ESG agenda that operates outside of representative democracy.”

TLDR: Christmas movies aren’t woke enough

Oh no, divisive black womans show gets the axe. MSNBC has been infiltrated by roit wingrs!

It’s like a crack addiction bitching that the doctors are killing her because they took her crack away.

You’re a Brit—tell me where abortion is explicitly protected in Magna Carta or Bill of Rights?

It ain’t, so they legislate. Some libertarian folk totally support a women’s choice but can’t support bad jurisprudence and overreach on the constitution.

Essentially the US conservatives want what the UK and many other countries have done —legislate its legality—and people protesting what the US has done with overturning Roe vWade, including many Brits, are often too dumb to realize that is the reality in their own country. It is legal but through the legislative not Judicial branch.

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I think many conservatives just want it banned all together. Pointing to why hasn’t it already been legislated is just a form of taunting. We all know without a supra-majority, ain’t nothing getting done.

WaPo better fire her before it’s too late :slight_smile:

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That’s a generalization. On gay rights, when the Clintoons were passing Defense of Marriage Act in the 90s/Don’t Ask, Don’t tell, it was libertarian GOP icon Barry Goldwater, who said “you don’t need to be straight to shoot straight.” :laughing:

On abortion, you will find many opinions within a big tent party, which is refreshing from the woke conformism propagated by intolerant Dims and their machine politics.

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I said many not all.

I don’t think you can call the GOP a big tent. That’s probably the first time I’ve ever heard it described that way if that’s what you mean.

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I’m stealing that.

I stole it from the Professor Emeritus of old Forumosa–Comrade Stalin.
US Presidential Election 2004 VIII - Politics / International Politics - Forumosa


I miss that ornery bastard!

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