The peak woke thread (Part 1)

He’s waiting for Tweeter to update the list of pronouns to choose from with the one he actually identifies with. But I guess he thinks he is, or he wants to be seen as, or he is Asperger, hence the robot thing.

Maybe…or he could be into transhumanism.

Can’t totally disregard that option, true.

A zeppelin with Chinese characteristics (specifically, it spies on you)?

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Chad’s work actually sounds kind of intriguing. He must hate that his parents named him Chad. I wonder if people troll him by calling him Mega-Chad…

Oh god, have you ever tried to read Deleuze? I had a classmate who’s (whose?) supervisor insisted she do a Deleuzean doctorate, and she hated it, so I took a look but didn’t last long

Chomsky, who knows a thing or two about linguistics, made the point that such postmodernism relies on virtually indecipherable language precisely because there is nothing particularly interesting there

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I think I’ve seen him saying this in a number of interviews, or at least saying that social “scientists” wanted to sound as smart and technical as (real) scientists so they adopted this language which convert simple ideas into obscure books. Or something like that anyway.

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Thankfully no. Stuff like this is why I didn’t go on to graduate school, despite the urging of a number of my professors. “Emergent Race-Intimacy Assemblages” does sound kind of hot though.

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I always revert to “It”, neutral and normally gets things cleared up pretty quickly.

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Think in Chinese and it’ll all be the same. Not an issue I’ve run into here.

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Made me think of this…


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The only discussion I’ve had about pronouns at all here was to tell students they should take a look at email signatures and see if there is something there. If there is something specific, they should use it.

Certainly when I was in Canada it would have been called dehumanizing to use “it” to refer to someone who looked like they would use non standard pronouns. I know this, because as a Mandarin speaker I pointed out the obvious solution during the early Jordan Peterson debates, and was told no. Thankfully here in Taiwan I’ve lost touch with pronoun usage du jour.

Maybe that’s what the balloon was doing, pronoun research?

I think they were assessing how many 娘炮 we had since they are banned in China, and therefore non-existent over there.

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No more Our Father?


The Creator of the Universe is timeless, ageless and beyond all human imagining, except that He definitely has a pair of testicles.


Our Conceiving Person


They is not getting capitalized, to boot.

There will need to be a fair few corrections on the Bible’s next reprint.

Our Gender Neutral Sky Ghost

Certainly not the white cis male with a beard, sitting on a cloud

Has they met Them? They seems very confident.