The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Play Pink Floyd songs? Should work!

Works for me in the office. My wife calls from the house asking me to turn the volume down lol
Just remember the real evil. Jazz music!


Yet those creatures like Clown Fish that are able to transition can fully function as that sex when they do so. What we have with humans is a person who desires physical change to match their feelings. They’re not actually that new sex, but generally a poor copy of one that is now physically incapable of being either. You can’t compare millenia of adaptation to a trans individual and think they’re similar.

Segregation is back in style…


It’s just marketing. They’ve got some probably crap show that would never otherwise sell out.

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It’s just racist marketing.


Racism is the new sex.

Too right. This is where everything started to fall apart.

I think I like the old sex better.

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What sells, sells.

It seems like you can barely share an opinion in the UK without getting a call from the cops or having to go answer questions, but that’s OK I guess.

I’d never pay for sex. :slightly_smiling_face:

Too expensive? I understand.

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The free sex is better.

BTW - with fat people now identifying as trans-slender I feel I identify now as 19 year old. Now my garmin smartwatch puts me as 30, while my passport says 39. I feel like 19 however and whoever calls me out for not being a teen is a bigot racist. I’m trans-ager

But yeah - actually with biological age being different from passport age - I feel trans-agers must have the same rights as trans gender. So wherever there is a question on age or birthdate - I feel entitled to at least put in my biological age or today minus biological age for birthdate. However for equality with trans gender being able to chose their gender once per year, I wanna chose my age once pere year. Forever 19, forever 17 or whatever… Bloody discrimination if someone calls out my calculated on birthdate age. That’s why I wanna chose my birthdate in my passport too once per year - otherwise this discrimanation of my feelings never gonna stop. And behave if someone wants to charge me adult instead of teen pricing - they are trampling on my beliefs and values if they do so.

And also I want medicine paid by public health insurance to make sure my body conforms with my identified age. Oh and studies show that life expectancy is much higher for trans agers vs trans gender. Just another point why trans agers have a better claim than trans gender to access their needs. While trans-gender are known for their high probability of suicide and mental problems, trans-slender wrecking their body with just another diet that doesn’t reduce their body weight to their identified weight - trans agers are scientifically proven to live forever and have less mental problems. No midlife crisis, no crisis what to do after retirement, and a body and mind that is forever young benefitting the whole society.

Also identifying as forever 17 I will not pay into the pension fund, because I will never become a retired person. I’m 17 forever so damn you if you mean I should pay money for old people while I will never be old but forever 17.

And with most CEOs and other high positions being taken by old people, I demand a quota in those positions for trans agers that identify as teenagers.

Oh and furthermore, all those 17 year old girls, should they decide they don’t want to have sex with me because they cannot accept my forever 19 year old age, they must be cancelled for their conservative, fascist and racist views that outright hurt me.

I’m quite sure I forgot many important points to list here why it’s so unfair people don’t accept my trans age.

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They have had a decidedly impactful existence.

Imagine that.

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“A Target insider said there were ‘emergency’ calls on Friday and some managers and district senior directors were told to tamp down the Pride sections immediately.

‘We were given 36 hours, told to take all of our Pride stuff, the entire section, and move it into a section that’s a third the size. From the front of the store to the back of the store, you can’t have anything on mannequins and no large signage,’ the Target insider said.”

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