The peak woke thread (Part 1)

haha, I’ve yet to see any recognition of honest causes, or any suggestion on what to do about it, but I’m waiting :slight_smile:

but if i’m off base i’ll own up to it. i’m not prideful lol

Were you crying when you typed that?

Hey, I didn’t say the right-wing was responsible for 3,000 covid deaths in America yesterday- they probably only account for 2,000 or so. I just think that through a combination of virus-denialism and active measures to stop preventative measures, they are demonstrating that they don’t treat the issue seriously.

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It probably won’t be of interest to you, but a large section of the Covid-19 conspiracy nutjobs are the liberal left. Anti Big Pharma and anti-capitalists. Piers Corbyn is a classic British example. Similar to the extreme right they don’t seem to be intellectually capable of balancing the belief that Covid is fake with it being a devious scheme by Bill Gates and/or the Jews.

The extreme woke liberal left are more similar than different to the extreme right.


The referee asked another official to identify a player who had committed a foul. He pointed to a black player who was in a group of white players and said “The black one”. The word negru is Turkish for black.

The players left the pitch and the match was abandoned.

This confused me for a second, why wouldn’t they understand it then? But the ref was Romanian, actually (and negru is black in Romanian, which makes sense.)

Sorry, my mistake. Meant Romanian. Pierre Webo had been red carded and he then complained that the fourth official called him a negro. He’s Cameroonian.

I think he was pulling a fast one as football’s so racially charged right now. He may have just misheard and assumed the worst.

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I was responding to this:

Which was referring back (was it not?) to MikeN1’s assertion that righties like seeing Americans die. You seem to be adding to this by suggesting that righties lack morals and empathy. Is this interpretation incorrect?

I suggest that it’s possible to be immoral and unpleasant whichever side of the spectrum you’re on, but since American deaths were mentioned, I put up some hard facts about the cause of those deaths, viz., the overwhelming majority of younger people who die of COVID-19 have metabolic syndrome.

That has little to do with conspiracy theories about masks (which I agree are stupid) and a lot to do with American food policy … which IMO is driven by an unholy alliance between capitalism (big corporations owning the food chain) and extreme socialism (the deliberate decoupling of actions from consequences in order to foster dependence on the State).

Because the cause of and the potential solutions for obesity are irrelevant to the original assertion:

“righties are immoral and lack empathy. They find it funny when Americans die.”

I was giving you a clear example where it is the right who are telling the truth, and the left are lying - with horrible consequences. The right might be insensitive. This is not the same as being immoral and uncaring.

It is mostly the left propagating the lie that eating properly is out of reach for everyone except the rich. The whole ethos of the left, in fact, is to maintain a power base of “the poor” who can be kept stupid and compliant in exchange for handouts. The rightist position, broadly, is (a) nobody should spend an entire lifetime in poverty and (b) if you don’t want to be poor, then stop doing the things associated with poverty. It might be hard, but it’s not “out of reach”.

Nobody is born with metabolic syndrome. This is another media lie used to keep the gravy train running.

Indeed. So if they’re dying as a consequence, how is this the fault of the Right?

It isn’t “too late”. Again, this is just a convenient fiction manufactured by those who benefit financially.

None of the above. For as long as the thought leaders are telling lies about food deserts, genetics, body positivity etc etc., there is no point in anybody trying to tell the truth. They get shouted down. And no, I don’t “care” very much, because my experience of life is that people build their own prisons and resist being removed from them.

The Left generally don’t care either - which was the only point I was trying to make. I know why fat people are fat, and I know what can be done about it, but ultimately I agree that if they don’t want to do anything about it, then that is their right.

Because it does not work like that. Did you not read the research I posted, or do you not understand its implication?

People who do not have metabolic syndrome, or who are not already at the end of their lives, are not going to die of COVID-19 unless they are extremely unlucky. The risk of a healthy person dying seems to be about the same as the risk of dying of flu.

You need to make your mind up here, because it’s not just about masks. Is it really OK to wipe out 10% of the planet’s GDP so that fat people can continue with their reckless choices? Can you really not think of a better solution?

Having a reason for some problem doesn’t not alter the fact that the problem exists.

No. That is not how it works, at least not in the case of COVID-19.

  • People will catch the virus whether they wear masks or not. The masks merely ‘flatten the curve’.
  • COVID-19 is not a fatal disease for the overwhelming majority. Those who die are those who are already at death’s door. You seem unwilling to accept this fact.

As @tempogain said, I talk about little else. But I’m trying to keep this at least approximately on the topic of wokeness rather than COVID-19 and obesity.



It was not. It was responding to @cake saying

That was a response to cake, not mike.

True, and yeah I agree. If they actually cared about dead americans they’d not block legislation that saves lives like let’s say gun control for example. It’s all thoughts and prayers and not action with them. Sorry, that’s a fact. It might be hyperbolic to say the right likes seeing americans die, sure, but they sure as hell don’t care to do anything to address the issues that would prevent dead americans. Just as complicit as the democrats in this, but the difference is democrats virtue signal, which is pathetic to me. Actual leftists start movements and work to address the problems.

This interpretation is correct. I’m not implying it, I’m saying it. The right claims moral highground with one hand on the bible and the other in the coffer. Especially when it comes to the hypocrisy of the religious right. They couldn’t be further away from Jesus’ teachings if they tried. Love your neighbor, be self-less and compassionate, share your fish. Not saying all conservatives, I’m saying the hateful masses that are trumpos, the white supremacist groups who are emboldened and align with him, etc.


The cause of death from covid is catching covid dude. That person wouldn’t die if they didn’t get covid. They may die from complications in the future sure, but the covid is what did them in. I’m trying to be respectful but I literally cannot comprehend how this is difficult to accept. It’s like saying, “he didn’t die from me shooting him, he died of blood loss”. “Plus he had high blood pressure”.

They are stupid, I agree. But again, if you’re gonna die from covid it’s because you caught covid. Food policy is effed up and I’d love to talk about it.

I’d say I mostly agree with this sentiment, although I would word it a little differently. I’d be happy to discuss it further when I have time.

I thought the right were all about personal responsibility and looking out for your own? It’s not fair to say they find it funny when americans die, but they sure as hell don’t actually care, so long as it isn’t them, and the ones in power couldn’t care even less so long as it doesn’t effect their bottom line or their grift.

The right is inflammatory. The left is reactionary. That’s kind of how it goes. You may have made a factual statement, but you’re making a different argument entirely, and you’ve been doing this dance for our entire engagement. You are saying fat people die more often and they deserve it because they don’t take care of themselves because the left says it’s okay to love your body. Not only is that a hell of a slippery slope argument, it ignores the fact that people with health problems are dying because of covid-related complications.

Your strawman is showing. The left say poor can’t afford nutritious meals, not “only the rich”. There is a middle class you know.

Now if that isn’t projection I don’t know what is. The left aren’t the ones cutting education budget and social programs to give tax breaks to the rich and inflate the military bro. If you actually believe this you either don’t understand leftism or are completely delusional. The right wants their base dumb, scared, and religious, hating terrorists or immigrants or the left so they don’t realize their real enemy is are at the top running off with the cash and leaving everyone else to fight over crumbs.

If you don’t want to be poor, just stop being poor. Stop doing poor people things. LOL.

Nothing’s out of reach, but the fact of life is not everyone can succeed in the current system. That’s intentional.

iow you don’t believe in epigenetics but are trying to talk epidemiology and science. cool.

The number of cases- and yes, that includes deaths- is so inflated in america because there was no response by the trump administration. right wing media parrot this. that’s why democrats wear masks and vote by mail and republicans don’t. in that respect alone, the right is very much responsible for covid being so widespread, and AGAIN, that means people dying. they. don’t. care. we’ve gone over this, keep up.

You still haven’t addressed my suggested solutions ONCE. If you want to be taken seriously, then quit dodging the questions.

This is laughable. It must be sad living in such a black and white world.


You didn’t say that. You said the left are body positive. That does not equate to not caring?

Let’s hear then, what should we do? You said it’s pointless because of the left shout you down. I’m not shouting. Go ahead.

word. also it’s different from choosing not to wear a mask, which is the subtext here, because you can’t cough on someone and make them fat. sorry dog.

Okay, so, toughen up? 300k dead americans this year with many more to come? is that the caring right you’re talking about? You might not realize it, but what you’re essentially saying is, “sucks to be you, shouldn’t have been fat or old”. That is different from encouraging people to take the disease seriously. Maybe you’d feel different if your family members were dying from it, maybe not.

Sorry, did fat people start covid? You been hitting hunter biden’s crackpipe or what? yeah, it’s fine to lose 10% GDP for a year, I value human lives over business sorry. Also, it would’ve been much less of a hit to the GDP if the trump administration wasn’t led by a narcissist surrounded by sycophants and followers who spread the disease.
Would you care to address this?

Yeah but when you deny the cause of the problem, you’re talking out your ass. Obesity and Covid are both diseases, but they are especially harmful when combined. No covid, america would be in much better shape, although obesity is a major issue that it seems you’re more interested in talking about than engaging honestly about why there is so much covid in the us.

Wrong, if they social distance, stay at home, getting covid isn’t inevitable. Masks don’t flatten the curve, they reduce transmission, which is only one part of the prescribed behavior to combat this thing. They might catch covid in a mask but they won’t spread it. and who are the ones not wearing masks, @finley?

sucks to be them, that’s the empathetic right for you. i guess we shouldn’t do anything to protect them, grandma might have had another 10 years in her, oh well.

said the guy who brought up the ridiculous obesity argument.


It does harm others though. Through higher health costs and less hospital beds available for people who chose healthy life styles.

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Sick people don’t determine the cost of medicine or healthcare. Companies and hospitals do. It’s a racket. Are you being serious? Also, there was no shortage of hospital beds in America that I was aware of before the pandemic. Do you have some information that I don’t and would you be willing to share?

What? Are you serious.

The cost of a treatment is based on a normal costing strategy. How much are people willing to spend on their health. The more people in the system the lower the number of available beds.

From March 2020 about bed shortages before COVID-19

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Just because something is established doesn’t make it right.

As much money as they have, seems to be the case. Or more popular now is the gofundme option. The ceo of gofundme this week announced that 1/3rd of all american gofundme campaigns are to pay for medical bills, making the site one of the largest insurers in america. Some institutions are sending letters to patients suggesting they turn to crowdfunding to pay bills.

This was news to me. Seems like it was a problem waiting to happen. This complicates things doesn’t it? But I’m also not surprised, that seems about right. Something more to address, and even more reason why the pandemic should have been and should continue to be taken seriously. Darker day are surely ahead :mask:


I feel like Scary Mommy’s journalistic standards have fallen in recent years…

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what next am i gonna need to put on a seat belt to operate my damn toaster?!

seriously though, lady has the pea brain. not a good look hun.

trying not to be ableist but if you lack basic reasoning skills you shouldn’t be allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

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No, it isn’t. COVID-19 is about as fatal as flu (possibly less so - the deaths are so few that it’s hard to tell) for people who are basically healthy.

If you’re determined to stick to the view that COVID-19 is an equal-opportunity killer - perhaps because you don’t understand the statistics - we’re not going to get anywhere with this.

The people who died of COVID-19 have had their deaths brought forward a couple of years. This is completely obvious from the trends of the numbers (ie., increases above baseline followed by a drop below baseline) and from the clinical descriptions of people who end up on respiratory support.

The people who die today of COVID-19 are those people who would have died in 2022, or 2025, of a heart attack or a stroke. Deaths attributed to those causes are already falling.

I think I’ll start another thread on the subject and see who bites. This has little to do with wokeness.

“Deserves” does not come into it. If you fall off a tall building you’ll hit the ground and die. The arrow of causality goes where it goes. I’m saying people with metabolic syndrome die more often of COVID-19, and they have metabolic syndrome because thought leaders tell them it’s not just OK to have have metabolic syndrome, it’s your right to do so.

I’m using ‘fat’ and ‘metabolic syndrome’ interchangeably simply because fat is quicker to type. In actual fact fat people experience a slightly later onset of the serious symptoms of metabolic syndrome; getting fat is a protective mechanism.

Fat people are represented across the entire economic spectrum, so the assertion is clearly nonsense whereever you draw the dividing line. Only about 5% of the American population are so poor that they can afford to subsist only on bread and potatoes.

Epigenetics is not a factor. The children of fat parents are fat because they have similar eating habits.

We’ll do this elsewhere. It has nothing to do with left vs right.

It equates to having more regard for your own perceived virtue than for the truth.

Bear in mind that a lot of the ‘no need for masks’ thing came from the WHO, ie., China. But ultimately people were at liberty to wear masks if they wanted to. Most Americans - on both sides of the divide - just didn’t want to.

I accept that my parents (for example) might die of COVID-19, because they’re old. It’s time for them to go. I will not be happy about this. I’m pretty sure they won’t be happy about it either. But it’s a bit unlikely. I’m 100% confident that none of my extended family are going to die of COVID-19, because their risk factor is miniscule.

Your argument in inconsistent. I paraphrase:

Lemma: “Fat people are fat because of a complex nexus of problems involving political shenanigans and big business; it has nothing to do with personal choices and has no simple solution.”
Lemma: “Fat people should not be told to sort themselves out; society should accommodate their condition by whatever means necessary, including radical destruction of the economy.”
Conclusion: “We must destroy the economy in order to maintain the aforesaid political big-business shenanigans”.

These are the same thing.

According to your viewpoint, there’s nothing that can be done. It’s no good saying “oooh, you all shoulda worn masks”. They didn’t wear masks. They still don’t want to wear masks. So now what?

yes it is. if you catch the flu and it kills you, the flu was the trigger. it doesn’t mean only the flu and the flu alone lol.

wrong again, see above.

you’re contradicting yourself. the fall still killed the person, not having metabolic syndrome then falling off. whether or not you have a condition doesn’t determine if you catch it, just how much damage it does.

fat can also be a sign of decadence. wealthy and middle class people still have access to more resources if they feel the need to address their weight. they could have more leisure time or afford gym memberships. come on dog.

not gonna bother to fact check that, because if it were true, how is that a success in the wealthiest country in the world?

you believe only in nurture, not nature. i’ll keep that in mind.


this equates to you resorting to ad hominems rather than addressing the question.

pretty sure china told their people to wear masks and stay indoors dog. also, trump famously was at odds with the WHO and pulled out as the largest funder wth are you smoking?

again your selective memory is showing, people were told not to wear masks by the msm because it was allegedly “inconclusive” whether the efficacy of preventing contagion was worth the risk of depriving front line health workers. people were asked to make their own masks or cover their face with scarves first.

i wonder how they would feel knowing you’re saying something that could well kill them is up to bad luck in terms of catching it and being too old/ ill. not a big deal, only hurts the sick and old. oof, glad you’re not my kid.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

better work on your paraphrasing, mate. go up thread and show me where I argued once that it has nothing to do with personal choice. you added that. i didn’t include it as a cause or say it isn’t. you still haven’t addressed solutions.

you could have a real party with all these strawmen! i didn’t say any of this. are you implying your solution is to tell people not to be fat or to eat healthier? how about education on what’s in processed foods, or limiting that sh*t altogether?

HAHAHA. don’t go cross-eyed trying to misrepresent me. what is your argument? like what do you care about? it’s the economy now? because you brought up the obesity issue but whenever i mention what we might do about it you dodge like a clown.

i’m not going to attack you, but the problem with this worldview (you can sus out what i mean by ‘this’) is you point to problems as if they were inherent facts about the world, not as what they are- problems, with causes and with any diligence and luck- solutions. there are very few things that are “natural” about modern human society, meaning we can build and rebuild sh*t to our needs. this is not at odds with our biology, it is a result of it. or we can worship money and the economy and blame members of the underclass for their diseases and poor circumstances while the top run off with the cream.

this is why this is the most baby-brained worldview of them all.

they’re not. mask is only one part of a multi-pronged effort to flatten the curve involving staying home, avoiding crowded areas, social distancing, proper hygiene, and more.

see above.

reintegrative shame is an important part of rebuilding communities and accepting people who’ve made mistakes, back in.

ever been to taiwan?