The peak woke thread (Part 1)

I think lots of large US corporations have similar system sfor reporting things anonymously, such as compliance violations, harassment, and discrimination. Calls can be fielded by an independent agency and have to be addressed by management. People can of course defend themselves, and it is probably difficult to enforce harsh penalties if the complainant doesn’t eventually come forward as a witness, which is where the non-retaliation policy is designed to help. But the initial reporting can be anonymous. Any reporting system is subject to abuse if course.

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Good for him.

I have a hunch that being mixed-race makes one particularly intolerant to bullshit.

"The suit claims that the student is being forced by his school “to make professions about his racial, sexual, gender and religious identities in verbal class exercises and in graded, written homework assignments which were subject to the scrutiny, interrogation and derogatory labeling of students, teachers and school administrators,”

So yeah. “Struggle sessions” then.


Zamyatin’s “We” was supposed to be a warning, not a playbook.

How long until DNA is used to weed out pretenders?

The Hilary Baldwin affair- “oo, me accent’s slipping.”

Part of said leveraging has turned out to be escaping the burdens of Extreme Whiteness: Born in Boston as Hilary Thomas Hayward, Hilary (the H was not silent) has what might fairly be called Extremely White parents: Mom comes from an old New England family and was on the Harvard Medical School faculty, while Dad was a corporate real estate lawyer for Ropes & Gray, which is the whitest thing somebody can do short of literally being Anderson Cooper

Boring! So “Hilaria” decided she was actually born and raised on Mallorca, thus accounting for her mysterious and sexy Balearic accent, and her inability to remember the English word for “cucumber,” while describing for white people the secrets of exotic simple yet elegant Spanish cuisine

“the whitest thing somebody can do”

That was written in your link. It’s obviously a thing.

This is attacking a woman here.

Somebody pretending in pretendland. Colour me surprised. I think it says more for an industry that employs people based on the flavour of wokeness than her taking advantage of them.

I think it’s more to the point that the left can laugh at the absurdities on their own side, while the righties eagerly lap up any vomit their side spews.

There are reasonable people, and unreasonable people, on both sides.


This is hilarious:


Latin? It’s Hebrew, AFAIK.

This has got to be some sort of fake?



Old English, from ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek amēn , from Hebrew 'āmēn ‘truth, certainty’, used adverbially as expression of agreement, and adopted in the Septuagint as a solemn expression of belief or affirmation.


Almost spit out my lunch :joy::rofl:

Yeah, no.


Since Emanuel Cleaver is a pastor of the United Methodist church and has a Master of Divinity degree, presumably he knows as much as the party of Two Corinthians.

No way. How dumb is this guy. Has to be a joke?

He was clearly taking the piss - I would presume at having to recognise so many religions for the usual PC reasons - but there’s little room for humor in the current political climate.

His delivery was off. He should have paused and smiled (although we wouldn’t have seen the smile).

Trying to make this ‘normal’:

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Frackin’ Star Trek. First they put a Commie on the bridge, then a woman doctor, then a black commander… How dare they continue the decades-long tradition of using science fiction to suggest that the world could be a better place than it is if it were just a little different!

Not that I care much about pronouns myself (a silly hill to die on), I’m just waiting for Data’s gay android marriage in the next season of Picard :sunglasses:

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