The peak woke thread (Part 1)

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You presented a twitter page with thousands of tweets on it, without an actual argument attached to it, and no context. Talk about peak woke, jeez.

Should I guess your thinking on it, or? I can’t make your arguments for you.

I’m sure you have the best articulations

Better than none at all. I guess next time I’ll just copy and paste a random link with no context or explanation.

Anyways, we can go on but it’s very clear that not a single person here bashing the ‘dogmatic far left identity politics’ as a ‘religion’ can make a coherent argument why, even name a single example of the ideas they take issue with.

You didn’t ask for arguments but for readable proof of erratic left delirium.

Sure, and the National Enquirer broke the story that killed John Edwards’ political career; being right once in a while doesn’t make you a reputable source worth quoting or using as a source of news, and frankly, people who rely on it as an actual sources of information can’t generally be trusted to have an honest, productive discussions as they can generally be presumed to be easily led and not be able to discriminate fact from fiction.


I’d settle for that. Show me some.

Read my previous posts.

I have! You mentioned something vague about music and white supremacy, with no specifics, no links, not an article, and no explanation of your ideas.

One guy here sent me a twitter link with no real explanation to help you out. That’s the best anyone’s done so far. This shouldn’t be hard.

I guess I should just take in on faith! This is starting feel more like a minyan of lubuvichers than any kind of dialogue. Lemme go grab my fur hat and coat and specs and peyas hold on

I didn’t mean to imply that I think Fox or Carlson are valuable sources for anything beyond guffaws. But the truth is the truth, even if we don’t like where it is coming from.

Except Salon*

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look at the thread’s title, that may explain it…?

Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot retardedness or evil in the right too, but I’d like to vote left and I just can’t and left vision on social stuff like race and gender is predominant in both media and academy without really reflecting what most people really think.

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look and you’ll find

No, it doesn’t. I get it’s a critique of ‘woke’ culture based on the title.

I don’t think anyone here is engaged with that or knows what that vision is at all. They are only engaged with their own visions and stereotypes of leftism. No one can name an actual tangible example of what pieces, articles, ideas, stories they object to when asked to present one. No one here has even considered a ‘far left’ idea in reality for a minute. If they had, they could name which ones in particular bug them, right @mick?

What do most people think?

All I’m trying to get people to do here is define their terms. If we’re gonna bash the ‘far left’ like a mantra 24/7, we can at least articulate who they are in real terms, and what their ideas are.

Burden of proof my friend.

Anyways, I’ve spent the better part of my evening here asking for any evidence of this supposed widespread takeover of academia by far leftist ideas, and nobody can tell me which ideas they take offense to, or why.

Anyways, I’m off for the night. Time for a Sapporo

is blm a good example or just a stereotype too?

gotta go.

It’s a movement of millions of people with all kinds of different ideas. That’s not an example of a nefarious takeover of academia by far left extremists.


The author and essayist Joseph Bottum has found the proper term, and I will adopt it here: We will term these people The Elect. They do think of themselves as bearers of a wisdom, granted them for any number of reasons—a gift for empathy, life experience, maybe even intelligence. But they see themselves as having been chosen, as it were, by one or some of these factors, as understanding something most do not.

I like it


and we’ve seen how it consistently makes mental demands while at the same time any criticism is automatically called on racist.

yeah a bit fanatic and not based on facts and logic apart from their own strange logic that explains everything in their narrow minded terms much like… a religion? like gender studies? haha

What is a mental demand?

I’ve heard lots of criticism of BLM. Not all of it is racist. Can you tell me a single idea BLM people think from talking to them or engaging with their ideas directly? You cannot tell me what they think because you don’t know.

I"m asking you to present facts and logic that prove the idea that there is a widespread takeover of academia and government by far left extremist thinkers with a cult like tribal mentality. Nobody in this thread has been able to.

Name a single piece of gender studies you have read, and any main idea in the concept in any specifics.