The peak woke thread (Part 1)

the students in the video, genius.

Don’t remember. Was that before or after you tried to tell me what the LA times is?

Which time?

edit: i do enjoy the reposte, sir!

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No shit! They’re a bunch of undergrads, and they’re humoring this guys idiot line of questioning.

I learned a new word today!

I imagine there are plenty of debates to be had about how to deal with China on the topic.

I’d posit the number of posts in there is probably ‘naturally healthy’, not that it should have more necessarily.

Hunter Biden over that though, is the most telling one imo.

Just my 2 cents, people can toil away however they please. :popcorn:


”students buying in the woke movement’s postulates is a consequence of a precarious school system”

I like it.


You like the fact that my country has a failing school system?

“Students buying into the woke movments postulates” means nothing, becuase you don’t know what those postulates are in the first place. Dumb ass US college kids know more than you do about them, Genius.

Go ahead, tell me more about Jewish space lasers and cabals of far left identitarians taking over US schools. You’ve never been to.

I liked your message because I do think you are a good person. confused but good hearted.

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What am I confused about? Set me straight here.

if people were defending China in that thread I would expect it to have way more messages. what do you think?

  1. If you have an issue, take it up with the mods, it makes clean up easier, don’t do what you did and start quoting the material.
  2. The poster in question got a PM from me already asking them not to use that term, you shouldn’t either. I haven’t checked, but assume it was changed to another term, plus I don’t recall it being aimed at you.


is that what you really understood? Good hearted but dishonest debater.

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No, I read that as you saying the U.S school system is failing, U.S. kids are stupid, and that’s why they embrace ‘woke’ ideals.

It’s dripping with disdain and sarcasm. A lot of class condescension too, if you do some reflecting. You got ideas about US schools? Pitch in. Maybe join AOC’s program helping tutor NYC school kids beacause they’re locked at home and their parents work.

edit: i didn’t see the text at the top, but it’s good enough

Who is that?

Except he spelled it wrong. :laughing:


honestly can’t remember the last time i wrote it!

You wouldn’t like her, it’s more of that proof that doesn’t exist