The right side of my jaw makes a cracking sound every time I open my mouth

This is the answer. For people new to tmj, it’s hard to Google since it’s a newer field. Dentist sends you to orthadontist, and ortha sends you to dentist. Doctor sends you to dentist.

TMJ specialist is what you want, but they’ll only educate you since there’s no cure. Yet.

Google and YouTube using tmj keyword. In a nutshell, it was likely caused by stress and clenching your jaw. If you had braces with bands, shifting your jaw can contribute to tmj. You need to relax your jaw (esp at night). It’s a small ball under your ear that holds the alignment of your jaw that slipped out. You can’t slide it back yet, but you can manage it.

Train yourself to not have a vacuum in your mouth. Drop your mouth open a bit like Lyndsey Lohan or supermodel poses :joy:. Then stretch your lower jaw left and right. For up and down stretches, lower chin to beck and push your double muscle under your chin; don’t do max (otherwise the chin muscles will pop out and it’ll hurt like ****).

Rub your TMJ area in circles. And nearby. There are many face pressure points that need massaging.

TMJ can also lead to tinnitus. If you hear a high pitch noise in silence. This is also a newer field with very few specialists and a different (but similar) topic, currently discussed here: