Tinnitus: Any treatment contacts?

Have some serious tinitus, causing trouble sleeping and making me feel a bit crazy. Does anyone know any specialists in Taiwan? Taipei is best, but will travel if need.

Already tried coping mechanisms like white noise; it’s not enough.


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Some tips for tinnitus .

Try getting more sleep. Cut out coffee and alcohol and high salt. Check your blood pressure.

Can you hear it over running water in the sink?

If not, don’t worry about it. Your worry is making it worse and your brain will adapt quickly.

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I have extreme tinnitus. 25 years of standing around massive speakers emitting big sound. Sometimes it drives me crazy, other times I don’t notice it.

Well, if you want to spend a boring life of ennui, this is good advice.


It helped me. I had it bad for a while. Cut out or cut down.

I’d take alcohol and salt over boredom and tinnitus any day of the week.

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You try Taipei veteran general hospital? They probably see a lot of hearing loss cases because guns are loud so a lot of soldiers have hearing problem.

Do you know what may have caused it?
Sometimes it can be treated, sometimes you just have to learn to cope.

Tinnitus is still heard over sink water.

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Have it checked by different specialists. Also go to a TMJ doctor, it is important to determine what’s the cause (but often impossible), so try talk to different people.

In the meantime, reduce your exposure to noise, air pressure changes, etc.

I know what you’re going through, and it’s a PITA. This and related annoyances affect my life greatly since most of my hobbies have an impact on it.

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Can you tell us more of your lifestyle and anything that could be the cause of your tinnitus? do you listen to loud music? do you use headphones a lot? do you fly often? diver? musician? racing motorcycles too much? Under a lot of stress?

Tmj doctors are just as rare as tinnitus doctors. Can you recommend any tmj/tinnitus docs?

Probably came from gritting my teeth at night, which likely caused tmj, which likely caused tinnitus.

I don’t grit my teeth much anymore after jaw exercise training, but tinnitus remains. It was a bit better for a long while, then suddenly returned 1 night.

If I remember correctly there could be one or two in either NTUH and/or The Adventist Hospital.

Generally soft jazz, minimal headphones, rarely fly, no racing. I think just the former extreme jaw clenching at night (TMJ combo).

You mean minimal USE of headphones, or you mean earphones? avoid them at all costs. Last year I reached a point in which having a call using headset at the office instead of speakers at home would ALWAYS mess my ears big time that day.

That could be the (main) cause. In my case I think it was an important one (in my case everything was a factor). So… try to relax and have it checked with a TMJ doc. Or with two.

Try listening to extreme death metal at 120% volume. If you notice a difference in your ears, then adapt :smiley:

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You haven’t had COVID recently, have you? Apparently that can make things worse.

My tinnitus suddenly got much worse one morning, about a week after my COVID symptoms had faded. Who knows if there was a connection. Fortunately it went back to the normal (albeit still annoying) level after about 24 hours.

Not that helps with treatment suggestions, unfortunately.

How common is tinnitus? It seems like quite a few of Forumosans have it.

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Reasonably so.

Tinnitus is very common, affecting an estimated 50 million adults in the U.S.

It affects about 15% to 20% of people, and is especially common in older adults.

I have it really bad. Most of it comes from decades of rock 'n roll, but after a course of Champix (the stop smoking drug) it almost doubled in intensity.

I wonder if there’s a Taiwan tmj/tinnitus community or sticky for posting updates on doctor/treatment discoveries and such. It’s been taking a ton of research starting from scratch with trial and error.

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