The Rise of Skywalker

Well, how in the heck to you expect Disney to peel $ from parents in a few years if they can’t be bothered to create content now for toddlers?

Good heavens, man. Think of Disney here. I’m not sure why you would ever want to think negative vibes about content when Disney is just doing what it’s always done, create “family” entertainment (ie, convince parents to convince their children to become Disney consumers; rinse and repeat) and hustle “collectibles” profitably.


Your /s notwithstanding, TPM was not a Disney movie!

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But it was the same idea for LucasFilms, who saw the sales-friendly, evangelical effect those who watched Star Wars in 1977 had on their kids. And it’s why Disney acquired them: same model. Parents make the best sales people.

I cringed, hard, at ONE particular point.

Glad you liked Dark Phoenix. Someone should, with the money they sunk in it.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rise of Skywalker Spoiler Zone

I haven’t been a fan