The Serpent released

This serial killer that drugged and murdered, western back packers to be released due to a heart condition. What’s the chances he poisons again? I wouldn’t want to be around him even at his age.


He’s dangerous for sure :heavy_check_mark:
Was great TV series.


He was probably causing too much trouble in the prison. Easier, and probably cheaper, to release him and send him back to France.

Not even remotely fair to all those he killed. Especially the two he killed in Nepal. From all accounts they were brutally murdered for some travelers Cheques and souvenir trinkets.


The TV show was good much better than I was expecting.


Not that hard to believe for those days. I went to Thailand a few times in the 80s.
Imagine a place like Thailand with no Internet , no cell phones, and no CCTV or virtually no CCTV.
No biometrics on passports either and more or less most prescription drugs available over the counter. Mix in a psychopath and Bob’s your uncle.

They should just let him have his heart condition in prison.


The surgeon might be preparing a slip up with the scalpel, while he is under sedation (The irony of that).


Serial killers should never be released from prison, even on humanitarian grounds. This is just mind boggling. Bastard should’ve been executed decades ago.


Not the thread I thought it would be.


Read the book during my first trip to SE Asia back in the early 90s. Eye opening for sure.

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Unfortunate seat choice

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How would you eat your lunch or drink something knowing what he is fantasizing about.

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You’ve won a long haul flight next to, drum roll, Ted Bundy.

Please relax and enjoy your flight


He still wants to kill. That need/desire hasn’t gone.

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Yes and my point being is that his preferred method is by spiking food.

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Possibly a good time to say no to beef or chicken.

Vegetarian option, who knows.

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Has she seriously been seated next to a serial killer with no law enforcement? Off the scale.

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Just mind boggling. He is meant to be released into the supervision of French authorities. That woman looks terrified.

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What’s that guy’s home?

I too liked the series.