The Shannon (Irish Pub)

Decor, atmosphere. The Shannon is the best pub in Taipei.
It also sells the only decent pint of Bitter.
Problem is, of course, it’s too expensive. Why do they price themselves out of the market? Only businessmen can afford this place as a local. It’s a shame the partners can’t establish a similar pub in a cheaper location. If only it was in The Zone!

Just had a very nice lunch at the Shannon. Hard to believe but the new manager Tony is much better than Alan Duffy. If I had one more just one more semifrozen corned beef sandwhich or had to eat those fish and chips. The fish was always a bit fishy and scudgy between the batter and the meat. Yuck.

This however was excellent. I had the chicken curry. Nice white chunks of chicken with a spicy (mostly pepper and chili) curry, salad (small) and excellent chick pea soup (curry) very flavorful along with iced tea for like NT$350. Quite reasonable and very filling.

Seems like the Shannon is turning around and I am more impressed now. Give it a try for lunch.

Service is still a bit slow and dazed but this differs from other restaurants in town exactly how?

I’m hungry.

I went last weekend again (Saturday) and the band is still bad or even getting worst and way too loud. I am always looking forward to the breaks. The band on Fridays isn’t much better though. But worst: they had no Kilkenny’s … :cry:

I’m thirsty.

So, if you always look forward to the breaks and the band is no good and there is no Kilkenny, why do you go?

The last time I was in Shannon the band started up and that was the end of conversation as we know it. Why do these people who run pubs do this? And I thought I’d never have to hear another cover band in my life…jez.

[color=green]St. Patrick’s Day [/color]approacheth (March 17). Anyone been here on St. Patty’s Day? Is it fun? Any planned promotions/activities for this year anyone heard of?

Given that is it only three days from the presidential election and a green theme…expect the DPP to have some sort of activity going on. Just mind the green hats, guys… :wink:

I didn’t know that they didn’t have Kilkenny’s that evening and was hoping things with the band would have improved (after telling the floor manager a few weeks earlier). Obviously I was mistaken.

St Pat’s Day at the Shannon was a hoot. Can’t quite remember how many shots of Jamesons I downed, but apparently i had a ball!!
New Manager is another Aussie, cool guy…Dazz?/ i think. Service is way better there these days. They’ll be seeing me slumped at the bar a whole lot more.

I got an email off them on St. Pats day advertising Guinness in plastic cups. Plastic cups! Put me right off. Went to Carnegie’s instead for free Murphy’s and woke up Friday.

If The Shannon is a traditional Irish Pub. Have they banned smoking ? hahahahh
Crazy Law.