The slippery slope

No, that’s not true.

Then what is the issue?

That biological males are in a space where biological females are changing.


In your opinion, what percentage of teenage girls should be required to expose themselves to, and be exposed to, teenage boys? And by expose, I mean naked bodies in the changeroom

Bonus question: in your opinion, what percentage of teeenagers are dealing with puberty and hormones and other complications that contribute to making this not a black and white issue?

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Why is that an issue if not for

Because of biology. I don’t know why you’ve come up with that standard that has to be met to think it’s an issue.


Wtf does this mean? You need to examine your assumptions and come back with a better reason.

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The fuck I do. Maybe you should!

:rofl: I have clearly given this thought. You have clearly based all of your responses on a kneejerk reaction taught to you in the third grade.

You clearly should stick to song quizzes :slight_smile: You make more sense there.

You clearly replied within 1 minute. If that is the extent of your thought, perhaps this thread needs some slow mode

So none of you can explain why it’s an issue except for what I stated above?

Some people are, perhaps not all, but yes that is part of why it is an issue.

Your turn, answer my questions

So again, my friend John is a gay male. Which changing room should he use?

What questions? This:

? It’s a non-answer to my question. It also relies on the assumption that I have just demonstrated. There are lesbian teenage girls who use the female changing room every day and you’re not worried about that. There are gay boys who use the male changing rooms every day and you’re not worried about that. Why are you so worried about this inane idea that somebody will voluntarily choose to become ostracized and bullied just to ogle their classmates?

No one is worried about that. It’s a huge red herring.

Because the other teenage girls arent, apparently

Actually, if they are obviously gay I am a bit worried, because I was bullied and assaulted in high school because some people thought i was gay. Again, i think an optional third space is a good solution. As i already said

Because i don’t think it is inane. Because i know teenage boys will do stupid things to get props from their stupid peers.

That is what your recent post that restarted this thread is about.

No, it’s not. It’s about the issue of biological males in spaces like changing rooms intended for biological females.


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Because biology is real and connected to sex. Why do you think we have separate male and female changing rooms to begin with?