The Taiwan Weather Thread 2021

Yeah but living in wanli means being one of the few carrying an umbrella while in Taipei because lord knows it’s raining in wanli and will be again when you return after a visit to the big city

Let’s be honest it’s almost always frickin raining on the north coast except in summer when it’s daily thunderstorms and of course the typhoons

It rains like 270 days of the year in keelung and like 269 days a year in wanli

Totally inappropriate in a thread about Taiwan weather but just to remind you guys that there is weather in other parts of the world I am currently looking out my window at my hotel in South Lake Tahoe and seeing a deep snow drift in minus degrees

Wife and I both tropical cats are making a first time trip to see snow while it’s snowing

We made a trip here just for the afternoon once last winter and sped back down before chain control took effect because both our cars are front drive only and I don’t want to even think about cables

Made a few snowballs but it wasn’t actually snowing on that visit

We are staying overnight this time to catch a passing winter storm

Rented an suv but found out it had summer tires so it was not qualified during chain control
Because you had to have either chains on or awd with mud and snow or better snow tires

We got to Tahoe just before this round of storms before chain control took effect yesterday early pm

Tahoe just had three feet of snow during a passing front two days ago and we are in one that ends Thursday which is today and a few days of sunshine is expected before the next front

Last night at 9pm got hungry and she ordered some noodles from Panda Express (I know Panda Express is a last resort place for food )

But the Uber eats driver cancelled his pick up and I thought no worries only a few inches of snow on the ground I can go pick it up it’s only a mile or so from the hotel

We staying at holiday inn express quite nicely priced and right near the lifts at heavenly

Well I found out that an AWD vehicle is useless on summer tires in snow !! I was slip sliding around and quickly abandoned the Panda run

We went hungry instead
Now wondering if it would be safe to even return home this PM when hopefully chain control ends and the snow plows clear highway 50

We were on 50 yesterday with an inch of snow on the ground and we were all driving politely single file at less than 30 mph for a few miles over the pass

and into Tahoe which also had about an inch on the ground

The Benz GLB we rented did ok with an inch of snow but can’t handle more due to summer tires

Hoping to get back this PM or else it’s another hotel night and another 100 for the Benz rental

But safety is paramount i won’t attempt getting on the pass if it’s not passable this pm

Tomorrows forecast is sun sun sun

Our car this AM


Allegedly it is getting colder tonight. I know this because I have a 6 kilo bag of fur crushing my sternum and not allowing me to breathe well and fall asleep. I can feel assorted weights around me too.

Forecast says dropping to 16 degrees tomorrow. And rainy.

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It’s windy up here on the north coast and it just started sprinkling at 00:32.

Currently the temperature is 19.1° and 98% humidity.

I just finished a 5k night walk and I’m sweating like a pig! Time for a nice hot shower.

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There will be a massive wave of smog from China tomorrow.



Your lovely wife looks like she is enjoying the snow @tommy525 Hope you both enjoy the Christmas holidays and stay safe and healthy.


Yes we had a blast and are now back home
Thank you !

She certainly liked being in snow haha

Wishing you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas indeed and a lovely happy and healthy and wealthy 2022


14:00 - North Coast - 三芝區 / 石門區

16.6°, 84% humidity, windy and drizzling.


00:10 - North Coast - 三芝區 / 石門區

15.4°, 60% humidity, windy and dry.

Stay warm kids.

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06:50 - North Coast - 三芝區 / 石門區

14.6°, 63% humidity,

High clouds, windy and dry.


Holding at 15 outside, 21 indoors, one cat.


Unusual for Berkeley to be this cold

Down to 3 in the early morning there are many bums here some could die


Ooh that’s @Dr_Milker’s favourite city.

I envy you. I used to take my kids on 20km hikes often, but I’ve been so busy the last two years that we rarely get out. By the end of next summer I’ll finally have a bit of free time again, hopefully down from 11 hours six days a week to 6 hours five days a week. My youngest daughter should be old enough to take it by then too. The first few months my oldest daughter cried on the way home every time but always wanted to go the next time. Hopefully the youngest one will be a little easier.


Nah, just my hometown. :slightly_smiling_face:

On Berkeley’s political spectrum, you would likely be situated just to the right of Attila the Hun! :rofl:


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Far from it. There are lots of libertarians and conservatives in Berkeley. They just play their cards close to their chest to keep from being burned at the stake. And I hold a lot of liberal views anyway.


Wet and grey weather ahead for at least a week in the capital—and a temperature drop forecast next weekend. Let me out of here! :grin:



Mosquito population explosion last night. Not sure if this revelatory piece of insightful commentary belongs in here, but what the hell.