The Taiwanse "girl role guy role" couple?

When does simulated sex become actual sex?[/quote]

He said it is simulated lesbian sex. He means they ain’t true gay. They are just actresses playing the part of lesbians. [/quote]

Ah, I see. Just thesbians.[/quote]
You owe me one keyboard!

Yeah, they tend to beat where they eat.[/quote]

Hahahahah…I guess where this thread is going can answer that ‘why do tomboys act like jerky guys’ question! They have no other role-models!!! :smiley:

I don’t know what else to all it but has everyone seen this. The teen to 20 something girl couple one dresses like a guy hat short hair manly clothes the other like a very feminine girl and they hang together, but I don’t think they are lesbians? Anybody notice how common this is…a fad? :eh:

I know the male half of one of the couples you describe, she is a lesbian.

I believe that her family don’t know that the ‘friend’ she lives with is her partner.

I’ve met three couples who fit this description here in Taiwan, and they are all lesbian couples.

Does it matter? What is a guy role and what is a girl role? Guys should have a job while girls should stay home and clean house? Why is this question important to you? Are you offended by people who are different than you? or are you curious about how you fit into that role? It sounds like you want us “readers” to criticise this situation, but I think the best answer to your question is to “live and let live”.

To me, the OP’s question sounds like genuine curiosity, looking for insight into a cultural/social phenomenon that’s different in Taiwan than at home, wherever that may be. No harm in that.

That was all I meant because it seems like something new here and I see it very often. Most lesbian couples don’t show their “role” in such a manner.

Lesbians, common sight in Taiwan.

I can’t find the thread where this was discussed before, but I seem to remember sandman making the pertinent point that often the person people think is a girl trying to look like a boy is actually a genuine Taiwanese teenage boy.

Thank Christ they have military service.

They are lesbians. It’s not a fad. Anyone who tells you otherwise (which has happened to me, btw) is just trying to ignore a reality that makes them uncomfortable. :unamused:

Don’t believe them.

I’ve met couples like this, some in their 30s. They were always a lesbian couple.

I saw two lesbians kissing and groping at the bus stop a couple of hours ago. Normally, that wouldn’t faze me at all – The stop is near a vocational school that appears to be full of carpet-munchers – but these two were BOTH “p’s,” which kind of shook me a bit. You don’t see THAT every day here!
I just hope they’re strong enough to withstand the social stigmatism they’ll enounter in the local lesbian community. It’s simply NOT DONE, don’t you know?

[quote=“sandman”]I saw two lesbians kissing and groping at the bus stop a couple of hours ago. Normally, that wouldn’t faze me at all – The stop is near a vocational school that appears to be full of carpet-munchers – but these two were BOTH “p’s,” which kind of shook me a bit. You don’t see THAT every day here!
I just hope they’re strong enough to withstand the social stigmatism they’ll enounter in the local lesbian community. It’s simply NOT DONE, don’t you know?[/quote]

Wow! That’s HAWT! You didn’t get any snaps on your phone did ya? :howyoudoin:

Those lasses are sick, man!

T & Ps, same here in HK. Actually I’m always amazed at the apparent naivety of the Ps, or is that just part of the role? I’m also rather shocked at the apparent sexual aggression of the Ts. Maybe that’s part of the show too. There’s one particular T I see around that showers gifts, such as mobile phones and accesssories, on her Ps and feeds them, literally proffering a fork load of food across the table when out dining. The Ps usually put up a show of resistance to the food, but are swiftly cajoled back into line with offers of further fashion treats.


I understand what they refer to, but what do t and p stand for?

Top and Pottom.

I live in Taiwan and all I see is girls smacking their boyfriends on red lights. And those girls in manly outfits??? well they have so much make-up on and bling that it looks like a look du jour instead of a reflection of personal attitude. Even the lopsided hat and tweed trousers with suspenders doesn’t look manly, coz what man in Taiwan wears that??

Thanks JP. Google was no help!

I believe that “t” stands for tomboy, while “p” stands for princess, but what do EYE know? I just ogle them to fuel my sick fantasies.

Er, Divea I think that was Mr Presley’s humor.

Tomboy and Pao (wife)? :ponder: Not my field of expertise.

Edit: here you are: