The TRUE Power Of Social Media

I made this guide to setting up a website some years ago. I know it’s kind of hokie and not up with the new fangled stuff like twitter, but what the hey, eh? Used to be much simpler in the olden days.

Criticism and suggestions welcome.

[quote=“Charlie Phillips”]I made this guide to setting up a website some years ago. I know it’s kind of hokie and not up with the new fangled stuff like twitter, but what the hey, eh? Used to be much simpler in the olden days.

Criticism and suggestions welcome.[/quote]
I would change up the order to:
Domain Name
Web Hosting
Publishing your Web Pages
Promote your Web Site

Then I would expand on the topics a bit more. Also, if you made a good clean page for explaining all of that and added an email form (to capture name, email address and whatever other details you wanted) for… more information, an eBook on XYZ, whatever, you could build a list to sell… Something too. :smiley: Or to just talk to. I’ve built a few lists now and haven’t really done much selling. It’s fun for me to have my own personal soap to get on top of every now and then. :wink:

[quote=“miltownkid”]I would change up the order to:
Domain Name
Web Hosting
Publishing your Web Pages
Promote your Web Site

Thanks for the tip. I’ll change it next time I’m sober. Maybe tomorrow :wink:

I’m not exactly sure why I felt like replying to headhonchoII’s post… Anyhoo… :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know what kind of money it turns into, but my excitement isn’t so much for setting up websites and trying to make money from adsense/affiliate marketing (although that excites me as well). The is TSUNAMI approaching at breakneck speeds that “no one” sees coming. I too am promoting education. But one in “Social Media Marketing” for the student that already has a good foundation in the skills necessary to excel in it. I’m also reading a book that shed some light on this topic and why many people can’t see what I see. There is a generation gap between the baby boomers and the “gamer generation.” (Note: The name of the book is [“Got Game: How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever”].) Essentially it’s the skills I’ve developed through having grown up a gamer that allows me to find the usefulness of these tools.

To add some legitimacy to everything I’m saying, I’ve recently been granted the title of “Vice President of Social Media… something” for the local web design agency I mentioned earlier. Companies are willing to pay a lot of money to the person that has the intimate understanding of this knowledge.

Here’s one of my first clients I’m hoping to close [Milwaukee Street]. That’s the name of the brand for a group of restaurants and bars in downtown Milwaukee (on Milwaukee St. :wink: ). I’m a bouncer at Apartment 720 on the weekends :smiley:. I’ve been bugging them for MONTHS to take a look at social media (it is understandably somewhat hard to sell). I finally got someone there to setup a Facebook Fanpage. Now she setup [a Twitter Account] and wants a plan for making it useful and create a following. That’s where I come in.

People just need to think outside of the box a little bit. I’m not sure if you’ve run into this story or not, but since you mentioned dating…

[quote=“[]”]Markus Frind is a Canadian entrepreneur who owns, the world’s largest online dating website. According to reports in 2006, he earned around $10,000 a day through Adsense’s contextual advertising program.

According to a recent article [1], Plenty of Fish now receives 45 million visitors along with 1.1 billion pageviews every month.

His annual income from alone is currently $5 to $10 million a year. (Continue Reading)[/quote]

This guy did all of that as a “lone wolf” that decided to build a better mouse trap. And I’m not exactly sure why you’re comparing something I, or anyone else, would want to do with a Google, Yahoo, or Facebook. I’m going to be very pleased with myself when I break $10,000/month.

What’s going on right now is people are figuring out the “social media” stuff. When we hit a tipping point of “average joe user” understanding and using the technologies, something AWESOME is going to happen.

I understand most of what you are saying, but I have one question; Why is it so important to keep the pimp hand strong?

[quote=“almas john”]Miltownkid,
I understand most of what you are saying, but I have one question; Why is it so important to keep the pimp hand strong?[/quote]

There are 2 types of people in life, pimps and hos, and without a strong pimp hand you run the risk of falling into the latter group. :wink:

I have some more tangible results from “the true power of social media.”

I’m the “VP of Social Media” for [Integrated New Media] (Check’em out, they do really professional web design/development). I’m setting up some social media packages that they’ll be able to market to existing and new clients.


I won the opportunity to test drive a 2011 Ford Fiesta for 6 months (they’re going to take care of gas and insurance too). Ford was looking for 100 people with an audience social networking/media sites to give the cars to. I pick it up on the 24th.

Don’t let me cockiness turn you off to the underlining message. There are real opportunities available to people that spend a little time and energy figuring this stuff out. I bullshit you not. It’s almost like the boom in the late 90s which I missed but was actively involved enough to know SOMETHING was going on.

You just have to do more than just dabble. I’d spend time figuring out Twitter, YouTube and Facebook first. If you don’t have a blog setting one up for fun wouldn’t hurt either. :slight_smile:

Looks like nobody is going to congratulate you on this, so I’ll do it. :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

I guess they have a lot of cars lying around lately :slight_smile:, congrats on free car for 6 mths though!
Miltownkid, I think there are opportunities, yes, but a lot of people underestimate the time, knowledge and effort to make these things a success.
You have a better chance than most being interested and (probably) fairly knowledgeable about this area and how they are set up.
I just think if everybody is twittering, everybody facebooking, then
a) who will be interested in what you are saying and doing all the time. You’ve got to be creating quality content to be listened to (or have bigger boobs for people to check out…)
b) where is the time to do anything else useful…know what I mean?

Recently MySpace announce their usage is dropping as Facebook edges into their membership…

There are some nice widgets of functions I think Twitter/Facebook/Google can adapt, add-on

Free idea for you…discount master, online discounts 24hr updates. pricing can be updated constantly according to stock level to avoid expiry…make a widget for Facebook and corporations will love it in these recessionary times.

Congrats on the win. Remember that they want you to test drive the car, so be sure to use your pimp hand on it.

Ford put [my profile] up. I misinterpreted 300 characters or less for 300 words… lol An internet buddy did [a “Dramatic Reading” of the bio.]

Thanks. :slight_smile:

[quote=“headhonchoII”]Miltownkid, I think there are opportunities, yes, but a lot of people underestimate the time, knowledge and effort to make these things a success.
You have a better chance than most being interested and (probably) fairly knowledgeable about this area and how they are set up.[/quote]
This is true, but something else that is true is that Taiwan appears to be pretty far behind the wave that’s building up and there is plenty of time to learn this stuff before it hits the shore. My goal with all of this is for my message to reach that handful of people that will actively do something with it.

I plan on establishing myself as an expert in this stuff and then going over to Taiwan and China and doing the same thing all over again (in a different language and culture). I’m also teaching a posse of people the same stuff so they can do the same in the countries they hail from.

It’s just mind boggling to me what’s possible with a laptop, internet and a video camera.

See… The BEST part about this stuff isn’t actually the content creation (although that’s fun as well and large boobs certainly help a lot). The best part is ones ability to LISTEN. There’s a LOT of stuff to listen to, so mastering the listening tools and learning how to setup proper filters is key. Why? Once you master listening, you’ll have an endless stream of quality content to repackage for whatever audience/market you’re targeting.

For the right person, doing this stuff is second nature and… is what they’d be doing anyway (perhaps in a different medium, the phone, at the bar, etc.) It’s just about communication.

The pimp hand WILL be put to use. :slight_smile:

[quote=“miltownkid”] I misinterpreted 300 characters or less for 300 words…

The best part is ones ability to LISTEN. There’s a LOT of stuff to listen to, so mastering the listening tools and learning how to setup proper filters is key.[/quote]

It would be funny to see vlogs where you visit the other test drivers…