The Tulsi Gabbard Thread

Are mocking the brand or the person? Have you listened to her talk? Lower yourself and bend your ear to her interview on JRE. I listen to your quasi-church of England protestant side of the web-o-sphere, the least you can do is listen to people talk instead of scanning headline fluff like you appear to follow.

I’m not mocking anyone other than fox news, I’m merely pointing out she’s in no position to have any kind of clue as to what is actually going on.

Not complicated.

I have to ask, I have no idea what this means and it’s killing me, can you be specific?

How long do you think it takes those mental midgets in congress to come up with shit? Any bill bounces around desks for a long time before they even test the waters with the public.

Think Monty Python’s cat’s ass faced, finger wagging, shit don’t stink folks.

She continued: “When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements similar to the insurgencies they’ve seen overseas, that in his words, he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians.”

Tulsi doing her best to join Team Deflection. I mean, what would Brennan know about anything, he’s just the former CIA director. Not exactly far lefty types, last time I checked.

How about a reaction like “wow, our party really has starting sounding way too similar to a domestic terror movement for comfort, and it’s time to re-evaluate what our party is about”.

If you don’t want people questioning your party, maybe don’t hold attempt to take governors hostage, talk openly about beheading Dr. Fauci, don’t invade the Capitol building and kill people.

Time to wear it and stop passing the buck, RW and GOP. This is your self reflection hour.

When they want a supreme court justice on their team confirmed, they act very very quickly. If it’s a bill that feeds hungry Americans, they act very slowly. So it depends on what it is, doesn’t it @flatlandr ?

Better citizens ala Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle or Where?, Wisconsin?

Fauci had ulterior motives, that you can look into yourself, for saying what he did.

How many people out of the total number of peaceful protesters did this?

No, just Russia Russia Russia lying bullshitters.

Though the FBI regrets the numerous “errors and omissions” it made in a series of wiretap warrant requests to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page as an alleged “Russian agent," it insists they were benign mistakes. However, newly discovered records reveal no fewer than 10 instances, starting as early as 2009, in which top officials at FBI headquarters came to possess evidence that Page was acting on behalf of the CIA and the FBI itself, yet hid this exculpatory evidence from a secret federal surveillance court.

Fuck John Brennan. He is all swamp. He makes Comey seem like a frog on a log.

Bent Brennan is swamp, as is the unflushable turd pelosi and the rest of the ‘leaders’.
That is why that criminal Brennan is a talking head.
The corporatist war maniacs don’t like Gabbard because she is not a scum bag pied piper for wars. Wonder if it is because she actually experienced it?

If Biden’s son hadn’t died, being good looking and an ex-service member would have been teflon. Didn’t seem to mean anything when it was a Bernie bro-ette though.

So sad the family can’t become Clintons, Bushes or Kennedys. Bah

I figure Joe is going to be Joe Telegraph. He spoke today and the sectors in the stock market his side favors jumped. He actually thinks he can get each side to make a compromise.

Are the cities of Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle responsible for the armed insurrection that killed 5 people at the Capitol? No.

I’m ok with a motive of public health and safety. GOP called for his beheading, and Trump just pardoned the guy that did. Very fine people.

The rest just cheered on an insurrection against the United States, in an attempt to overthrow the capitol building.

Like elves, fictional characters.

Blaming, deflection.

I respect accountable people that admit mistakes. Brennan is not wrong, and I hope for the GOP sake they come around to hearing his necessary words. I want them to win elections, not keep up the make believe.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: From Tulsi Gabbard

It’s not about allowed or not. You are of course allowed to say whatever you want, freedom of speech is our shared value.

I just hope you’d try to tell the truth when you’re describing what is going on in my country, and I’m questioning your ability to do that. I’m guessing it’s from a lack of exposure to the country of America itself. It’s very easy to tell the only thing you know about the country is derived from social media, not experience.

You gotta stop thinking your information is coming from people smarter than you.

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Not really a matter of intelligence or not, just who you trust and track record, credibility, background, past history, etc.

Dude, I call bullshit. Read a news article not just an opinion. He is absolute scum and as this articles suggests, he belongs in federal prison.

Liberal authoritarians are the real threat to our democracy

We still don’t even know what role Brennan played in spying on his political opponents during the 2016 campaign. We do know he went on TV for years after, alleging to have insider knowledge of an unprecedented seditious criminal conspiracy against the United States. Never once was he challenged by his hosts. And when an independent multimillion-dollar investigation couldn’t pull together a single indictment related to those claims, Brennan shrugged it off by saying that he may have “received bad information.”

I’ll be happy to read an article that isn’t a bunch of NY Post propaganda. Do you have one?

What could be biased about a Post article entitled: “Liberal authoritarians like John Brennan are real threat to democracy”

Let’s traffic in credible journalism, that’s the first step towards healing.

There are numerous articles about Brennan’s bullshit. Go find one. I’m not here to cater to your media believability. Carter Page was known to the CIA for years. Fact. Brennan knew it and did fuck all to stop illegal FISA warrants. Fact. Why, because he felt something was amiss? gtfooh

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Burden of proof.

Like I said, I’m more than willing to entertain the idea that Brennan is a terrible horrible no good sellout. If that’s the case, it’ll appear other places besides the Post

Meanwhile, he told the truth about the GOP. I’d love to vote for a GOP representative next time around so maybe some of the open minded GOP ones will take heed of his words. Why do they react so violently when presented with the truth? They’ve been dancing with the Q Anon devil and they paid the price. 2020 and losing congress was the price.

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Seriously…gtfooh. Do you only get your news from what’s posted in this forum?

Former CIA Director John Brennan said Monday that he “suspected there was more than there actually was” in regard to collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election.

“I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday about the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

“I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election,” Brennan added. “I think that is good news for the country.”

Brennan’s remarks came one day after Attorney General William Barr said in a letter to Congress that Mueller, who investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election, did not uncover evidence of conspiracy or cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Brennan previously asserted that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia, writing in a New York Times op-ed last year that President Trump’s claims of “no collusion” were “hogwash.”

And I’m out. Hit my quota of the back and forth. I’ll take this as a win.

Somemore facts for you:

Aug. 17: The CIA sends a memo to FBI HQ advising the Crossfire Hurricane team that Page had been approved as an “operational contact” for the agency from 2008-2013, during which he provided information on Russia directly to Langley. The FBI team does not follow up with the CIA, even though the information is highly relevant to its FISA request.