The US online censorship thread

Shellenberger has been busy lately


Slightly ot, but so has John Tamny. He’s really calling out the bs about tiktok and chatgpt.

Interesting, I haven’t heard of him.

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A lot of talk here on this

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Maybe this thread needs to be in IP, @TT, @Mick?

Or just move this post to Peak Woke?

Seems totally different to me!

Woke Sociopath Thread?

How does Taibbi always looks like he’s been badly photoshopped into whatever situation he’s in?

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WHy does it matter?

Obviously it doesn’t. Why does it matter whether it matters? I just find it amusing.

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Mattered enough for you to bring it up.

Because it’s easier to laff someone off because they look funny than to pay attention to what they have to say.


That’s an extremely low bar. And not every comment I make is intended to push some political agenda. Sometimes I’m just shooting the breeze.


No, I get that. However, I find what he has to say a bit more substantive.

Google has lost their minds censoring ordinary discussion of political issues. I’m cancelling my paid accounts with them, unless this is rectified.

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Where’s the powerpoint? 67 minutes? On a Monday? :runaway: :face_vomiting:

Buy the guy’s book!