The West, Native Americans, Columbus

‪I’m not sure why the number of them that I personally know is relevant. When I volunteered in the US I spent some time working with the local Native community, so I learned some things then. Obviously it’s not always specific to Columbus, but they have their feelings about him.

It isn’t

These days, sensitive people seem to have a beef with a whole lot of dead folk, especially white men in former positions of power. Woodrow Wilson for racism, Andrew Jackson for the Trail of Tears, FDR for interning Japanese, Thomas Jefferson etc. for fornicating with slaves, every Confederate general and their statue, and the list goes on. Even the Berlin City Council recently removed Paul Von Hindenburg as an honorary citizen.

Interesting that Canada, unlike Europe, still commemorates Petain.

Fuck me! Look who stumbled out of the woodpile! The ChewDawg!


I still post regularly although there have not been as many drug busts lately! :cowboy_hat_face:

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I think the more interesting question is where they learned to hate Columbus. I mean if you’re, say, a Taíno, it totally makes sense. Otherwise…

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Guys we’ve done it again. Way off topic. Must stay focu


I guess we atogah just aren’t repressed enough. :sunglasses:

@moderators are called.

They’re all dead.


I’d probably be pretty pissed off if I were dead too.

I blame the Spanish. They started it so they should be paying reparations.

Yes. Time to cough up some of that Spanish gold.

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If the natives had only practiced a “shelter-in-place” policy upon the explorers 'arrival and waited for the curve to flatten.