The X-philes

But I usually don’t find anything in common with men less than 10 years older than me. Dating men of my age would mean I’d have to stay a virgin until I’m 30. :s

Would anyone want to see our creepy family photo? :wink:

They do things like that in Quebec.

And coincidentally, Arkansas.

[url= you promised![/url] :astonished: :fume:

I simply fail to understand why some people look down their noses at others for superficial reasons, without knowing the first thing about them; that is pre-judging people, i.e., prejudice. It’s a fundamentally ugly, reprehensible thing.

In the same way, I just didn’t get it when, one time our family were all together for Christmas in Florida, and some commercial came on TV with an average-looking African-American kid , and my white uncle (born and raised in the South) very regrettably felt compelled to say “Boy, ain’t they ugly!”

I’ve never been able to stand by and tolerate that kind of ignorant ugliness. I don’t care if it comes from a family member or a figure of authority.

Without missing a beat, I said quite sharply “Not half as ugly as the mind of a bigot.” (I’m rarely that quick-witted, but it just popped out, yeah :upyours: !.) Boy, the room sure was quiet for a long time. I don’t regret saying it. Not one tiny bit, and I never will until the day I die. Of course, my comments were greatly tempered by the presence of my entire family. If I’d heard a stranger saying somthing that unforgivably ugly, I’d have just told him straight out to shut the F up.

Ignorant prejudice deserves to be stomped on without mercy. REGARDLESS of the source.

And the comment bears repeating here. I don’t care whether they are administrators, or moderators, or just regular serf members, the point is the same – folks don’t have any right to judge a relationship between two people based solely on their color, religion, gender, or any other superficial criterion when they don’t know the first damn thing about the people involved or the nature and quality of their relationship, and if tney do, they are IMO engaging in some pretty damn ugly, ignorant and downright CREEPY prejudicial behavior.

I am always saddened to encounter blinkered judgmental intolerance and blanket condemnation of how other people choose to grasp whatever happiness they can, especially when the choices they make are legally and morally irreproachable. I find such attitudes a great deal creepier than any difference of age, language, culture, race, religion, intelligence, wealth, height, weight, libido, taste in music, frequency of bowel movement, or anything else in any kind of relationship.

Omiloquacious, as a man approaching middle age who still lusts after college age women, is a bit self-interested in his defense. Likewise, the women approaching middle age or already middle-aged, who condemn older men going with younger women, are obviously looking out for their own self-interest as well (they want the pool of older available men kept as open as possible). It’s just human nature.

I wouldn’t assume they are condemning the men because they want the pool of available men kept as open as possible–they are probably condemning the older men for the wool they are trying to pull over the eyes of their young conquests who think they are hot shit.

Have any of you honestly ever had a run-in with the ego of a 20-something who’s roped some old crusty butt or had to contunually be around some old fart who struts around like a peacock where it is so sadly obvious people his own age are avoiding him? Yes it is true, “folks don’t have any right to judge a relationship between two people based solely on their color, religion, gender, or any other superficial criterion when they don’t know the first damn thing about the people involved or the nature and quality of their relationship” but when you do get to know them, run for your life. :help:

Hey Dragonbones, what do you think of the double standard applied to when an older women seduces a younger man?

If the sexes in this stiuation had been reversed the teacher would have done hard time in prison. I’ll let you know my opinion on the double standard after I hear yours.

[quote=“Mordeth”]Hey Dragonbones, what do you think of the double standard applied to when an older women seduces a younger man?

If the sexes in this stiuation had been reversed the teacher would have done hard time in prison. I’ll let you know my opinion on the double standard after I hear yours.[/quote]

Insanity in her (LaFave’s) case might have been believeable if it had happened once. But no one gets so stressed out that they repeat the same act four times in four different situations with premeditation. She’s not insane. She’s a sexual predator. Are they going to wait until she bags another child before they throw her insanity plea out the window?

The mature adult in me says she should be subject to the same penalties as a male teacher would have been. She was an adult, the boy was not merely a minor but also a student under her, and it was a serial pattern of behavior, as Imani points out. Her behavior was reprehensible, and her attempted insanity defense was ludicrous.

That said, the 14-year-old boy in me says damn, how come I didn’t have a hot young female teacher like come on to me like that when I was 14? :laughing:

Boys will be boys, after all…

I can’t see the bad part. I always just think the young lads are lucky bastards.

Other side is a another issue entirely. Chemical castration with an acid bath would be best.