Things to do in Hualien on a rainy day

Hi Everyone,

Me and the wife have a trip down to Hualien booked from Tuesday to Saturday this week. We originally planned to do some river tracing and whitewater rafting, but as luck would have it, the weather has been forecasted to be pretty crappy over the next few days. If not a full blown typhoon, then at least a lot of rain. Neither are ideal for fun on the river :frowning:

So, my question is, what are the rainy day entertainment options down there? Have any of you had a rained out trip down there, and still managed to pull a fun filled holiday out of you hat?

Would really appreciate any suggestions anyone could offer. We’ve been looking forward to this trip, and would prefer if it wasn’t a complete wash out!

Thanks in advance,

Visit Pine Gardens, old Kamikazee club.
Hang out at King Tang Cafe or Country Mothers.
Hall of Still Abodes.
Former East Railway Depo.
Where Jungshan and Jungjeng meet there is an old collection of buildings that might have something interesting in them by now.
Bother the tourism office staff.
Shop for marble and then just when you are about to pay say you changed your mind as you worry abotu the impact on the environment.


I’d get some food at 三支無尾熊 (Three Koalas) - but there won’t be anything there you won’t see at any department stores elsewhere. If you can get access to some bikes my favorite spot is called the 出英步道 ( I know you said it’s raining but if the typhoon doesn’t hit don’t miss this one, it’s possibly the most beautiful countryside Taiwan has to offer.

Other than that there really isn’t much to do in Hualian during a Typhoon! :frowning:

Mochi from Hualian is delicious no matter what the weather
A-mi tribal villages are always fun
Stay in and watch a movie
Taroko Gorge will be deserted
Urban exploration is fascinating on the East Coast
Relax at home with a good book
Bask in the glow of the happy town’s folk
Accentuate your wardrobe with some tribal fashions
Troll Forumosans online
Eastern Railway Depo is worth a visit

Thanks for the replies everyone. Some good tips there. We’ll be heading down there early tomorrow morning and with a bit of luck, the typhoon won’t notice little old Taiwan, and will just keep meandering around out on the ocean for a few days :pray:


Check into the Farglory Hotel, lounge around the lobby and indoor section of the pool, hit the gym, get a massage, try the different restaurants and bar, and ride the storm out with a view…