Things to do on a rainy day in Keelung with kids

So turns out I have a bunch of vacation points from my company’s welfare committee, which I can turn to cash to spend on my own personal vacations, but they expire next Friday. I only found out they existed because I got the notification that they were about to expire. Anyway, to not waste the points we decided to go stay in a nice hotel in Keelung tonight. Then tomorrow we’ll spend the day in Keelung. So, any suggestions for things to do in Keelung with kids? It’ll likely rain tomorrow

So…you mean every day.


the geo park is super cool! not a high ticket item, but excellent for kids! all through the hills has untold natural treasures to take the family to :slight_smile: Too bad such high class fun is so cheap here, you might have points left over and wasted!

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