This Popular Solo Female Travel Vlogger Thinks Pakistan Could Be The World’s

I never mentioned political or religious reasons. They have a poor attitude towards women, whether this is due to religion, culture, politics and laws surrouding the issue really doesn’t matter to me. Around 70% of women in police custody in Pakistan are physically and sexually assaulted. 1 out of 4 rapes in Pakistan are committed by the police. Doesn’t seem like a great place for a foreign girl who will def catch attentions of predators, and also do not speak the language and know people to go alone. Rape and other issues like domestic violence are rampant in Pakistan.

You ever heard of a guy named Abraham Wald? During WW2 they looked at the returning planes and where they were shot. They wanted to add armor to these areas, but Wald realized they should armor where they didn’t get shot because the ones that returned obviously did not sustain damage to areas that would take a plane down.

I’m sure many do come back with a great time. But I doubt the ones who didn’t would share their rape or robbery stories to the public. And with those police rape statistics, they seem to be better off not reporting anything bad.

So I stand by the post being here.