This Week’s WTF Story Award Goes to… (2023 edition)

Good point. Exercise was mentioned only briefly.

“This is a fascinating and novel study which should not cause alarm or drastic changes in habits,” said Campbell, who was not involved in the study. “Men looking to conceive, or wanting to improve their sperm health should exercise (but not overheat in their groin area), eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking and limit alcohol and seek help if they are having problems conceiving.”



How often do you think of mud volcanos disrupting your lives?



That thing looks fierce.

According to the news announcer, the farmers said it could take up to three years before they could grow their adzuki bean crops again.

Taiwan makes a complex portrait.


I’m a bit baffled as to how people saw that thing spewing mud and flames every few years and thought, hmmm, this looks like a nice place to settle down and do a bit of farming.

I will arise and go now, and go to Wandan Town,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the mud-swamped glade.

Perhaps the clue is in the quote “the farmers are eligible for compensation”.


Bingo! Apparently a square kilometer cannot be used and for 3 years! Would imagine “farming” land in that area is quite expensive!

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Yeah, three years is a long time to do nothing and get paid for it. It seems suspicious to me that their main crop is supposedly ‘adzuki beans’. They’re a low-yielding crop of relatively low value normally shoved in as a catch crop following something else, the main function being ground cover and fertility maintenance.


Everything is a nefarious plot isn’t it.


No. It’s just that sometimes when things look ‘WTF’, the situation can be adequately explained by venality and laziness.

I mean, go ahead and posit another explanation for people deciding to plant 100 hectares of beans in a known disaster area if you like.

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I’d love to read a history of the settlement of this part of Pingtung.

If you have source(s) I’d love to read them.

And if you don’t, perhaps stop maligning farmers.


I am a farmer. And I know quite a few other farmers, including two who have got quite rich by knowing how to play the rules, albeit in a different country. Farmers, collectively, are a pretty weird subspecies of human. I get to malign them for the same reason black people get to use the N-word.

It’s entirely possible that, in the absence of geological explosions, that particular location is optimal for growing beans. But since beans are fairly easy to grow, I just don’t see what the attraction could be.


I am aware of this. I am also aware that fellow long-term poster Chewie is a Canadian. It doesn’t mean I agree with much of what he says on that subject.

As I wrote before I would be happy to learn more about that community in Pingtung. If you find out anything, I’m all ears.


That is Chewy with a Y. :laughing: And I ain’t a Canadian first. I’m a Brit, then a British Columbian/Albertan, then a Canuckistaner, and then only grudgingly.

Grudgingly acknowledged! :upside_down_face:


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A blind eye witness

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This is completely f***ed up. Fighting over who got more presents. Look at the ages of the shooters. Ugh.


No man guns are a constitutionally guaranteed right and everything here is fine!

/sarcasm off


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WTF happened to this topic?!
Don’t worry, it continues here: