Thunder From Down Under Men's Dance Show

Ladies and gentlemen and others.

Legacy 14-17 Sep 2023

Arranged 2 tickets for every show.

And a different date for every show.

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He don’t want to go on his own.


I’m a guy. I’m inviting a girl to a male review show.

Or I could be a guy inviting a guy. Or whatever.

Does it not make sense that someone would take a companion to a sexy dance show?

Breaking my brain

Just delete this whole damn thread.


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Makes perfect sense, any show for that matter is better with friend/s.

Maybe @KHHville is confused as to why you would go to every showing?


Is this open to a gay male audience?

I can’t imagine Taiwanese women going to a show like this.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Borderline inappropriate

Looking forward to report from “Lyla Liu, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter” after seeing the show in addition to just a sensational advertisement for the show.

Knew it!

The show is not just for women, but for all genders and sexual orientations.

So how was the show?

Or were you joking?

I was serious but ended up not going.

Other things popped up.

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showed the gf a preview and something came up?

Ex-boss (MILF, at the time) invited me to a similar show almost 20 years ago. Had no idea how to handle that, since the show didn’t seem to cater to straight dudes. I kinda had a crush on her (bought her a Chanel necklace). Had interest in her (she was acclassy Taibei aristocrat), but she kept giving MIXED signals. Maybe for the best, since I didn’t drink any of her “juice.” :thinking:. It could have been toxic MIX. :grimacing:


You bought two tickets for each of at least four shows and didn’t go to any of them…?

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Ayyo lads where the Forumosan sausage pre-party for the event meeting up?