Ticket from hualien to Taipei

Sorry for being lazy, can you tell me the duration and cheapest options for travel from hualien to taipei and back and if a bike would be extra? Also journey from hualien to Yilan.

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You can find all of the train schedules and pricing here: http://twtraffic.tra.gov.tw/twrail/English/e_index.aspx. Some of the trains say “Bicycle Bag available”, but I’m not sure exactly what that means.

There are no buses that run Taipei–Hualien, nor Yilan–Hualien, as there are no public buses that go south of Luodong; the only public transportation options are train and plane.

thanks steve

In the Hualien railway station there is a counter on the left side of the hall where friendly people will help travelers with whatever issue comes up. Foreigners in Hualien who don’t speak any of Taiwan’s languages and who need specific transportation related information, such as how to take a bike along on the train to Taipei, may want to give that a try. :slight_smile:
An alternative method, for foreigners who speak Japanese, is to talk to the cabbies in front of the station - they’ll quickly find one among themselves who can speak the language, and then you are going to be alright.