Time to visit gov offices and banks and telcos

but if u r laoban partner/consultar/adviser, then don’t overdress, dress as the big shot (but still no t-shirt or jeans, those r for “kids”)


Gosh darn it! Am disappoint… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can I swing cargo shorts? :grin:

even worse haha.

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But the whole reason I became the big boss was so I could dress however I want!

Clearly these guys didn’t get that memo, they need to take some lessons from a master down-dresser. :sunglasses:

Even worse… I am going to get in wait to record him telling me to leave… I will have to visit a few DBS branches around the island. Should make a nice video for the public shaming of DBS lol


LOLZ… One day you can come meet some very wealthy people who don’t wear suits… like Musk. I have extremely wealthy clients that dress like I do.

I think my first attempt will be visiting the NIA and trying to get a Tax ID on one of my foreign passports. If they look and see no visa stamps I will say Egate lol. Hope they don’t check the non existent entry record lol

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Yea, I like to see that.

But I think it’s all about face. Basically wealthy people dress in suits and ties because face is much more important to them and is a core component to their wealth.

Like celebrities aren’t going to go wear blue white sandal anywhere because paparazzi follows them around looking for anything that doesn’t fit their image.

I think underlings can get away with far more, that or independently rich but obscure person. Not Elon musk, he’s too well known.

Even business owners have to keep suppliers, customers, clients, etc happy.

lolz if you say so. Of course me being a pauper living in the wilderness I cannot afford to have such nice clothing.

It depends a lot.

If a business owner depends on being in his clients good graces for income, then dressing well is necessary. If not, then they don’t.

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How would you know? I deal with founders of large companies who deal with clients all the time and they dress casually at trade shows. Their underlings tend to wear suits and ties. But the underlings are employees.


Dress depends heavily on the region. For Taiwan, it’s pretty casual. I don’t know any bosses that wear suits. It’s polos, slacks, maybe dress shoes. The only hint of wealth is perhaps a nice watch, or luxury brand but casual. If I see people in a suit, my assumption is they work at a bank.

In the US it’s east coast vs west coast. New Yorkers definitely wear suits, but west coast you’re lucky if they shave.


Yep, true

Or fancy car dealers or some fancy mall

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Taiwan does not have suit weather… sorry but weather is a big thing here. One reason banks have AC on so high is because of the suits.

California does not have suit weather, but New York does.


Especially for the San Bernadino valley girls! :laughing: :laughing:

Have you lived in Singapore or any other country on the equator or tropical zones TL? Do people not wear suits in Texas?

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OK So part of my preparations as pauper from the wilderness in Alishan goes to visit banks etc I decided to apply for HSBC HK Premier Credit Card.

I have been with HSBC HK with two accounts at different branches in two names with two nationalities for a long time.

Best thing is that apart from my monthly salary all other details such as name address email phone number are already listed on the form. I was not asked to prove monthly salary. I was asked to list education level so I clicked on middle school.

I ring my HSBC personal relationship manager. Now for those who think that HSBC HK will say no credit card as you are a non resident, then think again.

It tool less than 3 minutes to do the online application. Not only that you are asked to wait another minute to get the reply to your online application. This makes even Taiwan online application processing look sad.

Now HSBC HK the CC interest rate is a shocker 35% so do pay before your credit free 56 days is up. lol I can also have free US$ use on the card with no 1.75% exchange rate fee.


Taiwan will further liberalise its economy and offer more financing products, aiming to become an Asian financial and asset management hub, President Tsai Ing-wen said on Wednesday, pitching the island at a time of turmoil in next-door Hong Kong.

“The government will continue to adopt even more open measures, open up diverse financial products, expand the scope of our wealth management business, and let Taiwan become an Asian corporate financing centre and high-level asset management centre.”

She gave no details.

She gave no details.

She gave no details.

She gave no details.



Maybe she should read my post to understand. If the NIA will give me a tax number on a foreign passport I will ask banks what sort of account I can open as a foreigner. I want to see what it’s like to be treated as a non Chinese speaking foreigner again for my video blog lol.


Suits originate in countries where summer temperature rarely exceed 30C, but winter temperature often dips below freezing.

Countries like Singapore wear suit because of western imperialism. They are not designed for tropical weather. They are a force of habit for westerners.

Go look at tribes in tropical countries and you will notice how little, if any clothing they wear.