Timed pet feeding machine

does anyone use one of these? sometimes i work long days and instead of running home during my lunch hour to feed my dog, i can just put a timer on a machine for the day. any recommendations would be great. i searched online for a few but im not sure how good they really are. some reviews say they are impossible to program so im hoping someone else uses one as well =X

Forget timed feeders. Use a smartphone remote controlled feeder. pintofeed.de

OMG thats so cool!! haha, no way taiwan has something that crazy! =(

If you live in Taipei, go to Ying Yi Li store in Gongguan. They have several models. Aside from a remote or timed feeder, you should also get a water fountain. Fresh water is of outmost importance.

I do… but my cat milktea has learned that she can pry the trap door open and jingle her little paws inside the feeder to make it rain… so now it’s not really timed pet feeding machine, more like a free all you can eat 24/7 pet buffet…

These machines have other problems, such as the pet becoming afraid of the noise it makes when it come son a nd then the pet won’t eat. Another one more serious especially in Taiwan is the humidity factor spoiling the food, as the heat and humidity combine to facilitate the growth of mold -which is why always advisable to keep kibble in a hermetic container. Mold can seriously damage pets’ liver and cause a painful death.

But as said, if no other choice is available…

did you guys know there’s a whole frigging blog just to review automatic cat feeders?


There are several models out there that is automatic. Feed the cats Naturally will also improve their Behavior. Take a look at this blog.


Any suggestions on Taipei area shops to look at food and water cat feeding machines?

Any suggestion on models or brands?

I’d like to see what is available in Taiwan and then research those specific models.

Best bet is to wait for the next pet fair and look at all the models

02 2365 7983

How many cats?

I like the Gex Japanese brand because you can fit over a liter of water. Bigger tank, easy to find filters.

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You have these where you release one mouse every four hours. Cats love it.

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Actually, the latest trend in feeding is beyond feeding raw, as in giving DOC day old chicks to cats to eat.

Day old Chicks | Sure 4 Pets.

I am definitely not clicking that link.

In an ecological sense, I can see a cold logic: it’s something useful to do with the male chicks that for obvious reasons aren’t ever going to lay eggs, and wind up in a shredder. Yay! Now their lives have a purpose!

Huh. “Timed pet feeding machine” = a chicken with a clutch of eggs.

@Belgian_Pie started it.

Actually, he is a little bit behind the fashions.