Tips for car driver's license test

Does anyone have any tips for the road test? I’m doing it today without taking the class.

Remember to do all the check and speak each one out. For example “I’m adjusting the mirror”

Also remember to use the indicator and when coming out of the S curve reverse when it clicks out, click it back in until you are completely finished pulling out and then indicate again to enter the road. - I saw a German dude in front of me get failed for that.

But most people in front of me that day got failed during the very first part (where you make the vehicle checks) It is a really stupid part… because who checks under their wheels anyway. Also I wait until after I started my car to check (if at @Satellite_TV house) as I don’t want to run down his cats that sit directly in front/behind the tyres lol but they generally move after starting the car


Check the following videos from the DMV.
I have seen many people fail in the pre-drive checks, but not because they are hard; it is because of ignorance of the rules.

Regarding the road test, probably the trickiest part is the S-curve.
It takes some practice to master this; however, a tip is to focus your attention on the left and right side mirrors and try to do it very slowly.

Here are some video samples about the S-curve:

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I watched this video numerous times. It’s pretty much exactly what you’ll deal with. Most people don’t pass the first time, so don’t be upset if you don’t make it.

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I think the trick to passing first time is having a few lessons. They teach you the s bend cheat.

Too late for the OP, though.

From what I’ve heard, you will fail, they will perhaps recommend a driving school, go to that school, or ask if they know of one close to your home, try again. You won’t learn how to drive, but the rites and forms will have been obeyed.

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Befriend the examiner & casually chat with him…… helped me when he hinted at things I forgot.


I’d like to see one of these instructors take the test in my Ford Ranger.

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Why do you need to cheat? Just reverse backwards and turn the wheel as you go. Not that hard

I can’t remember how difficult it was. The cheat makes completing it successfully guaranteed.

I never wanted to take it in Taiwan. Luckily, I got my Taiwan license through reciprocity with Korea.

Good luck, OP. :slight_smile:

Where did you hear that? Most people who go through the course pass because the test is often taken at the driving school and they normally have deals where if you dont pass, you get extra classes and take the test again. It is better business to get you passed whether you can drive or not. So most people pass. I have met mang people who say they have a licence but cant drive.


My wife just took the test last week. She can drive an auto but she wanted to pass the test to drive a manual because it takes a lot of time and money in the UK and Taiwan has the license swap thing going on.

I wanted her to take the full course but they had a deal for people in her situation. 10k. 4 lessons and test fees. She passed and she didnt use the accelerator one time during the test. She cant drive a manual.

I told her that she will have to take some lessons in the UK. She was like why, i have a license. I think we will get an auto.


I had a pretty awful experience today. First they neglected to call me to take the test. Of course they probably made an announcement in Chinese that I didn’t understand. After everyone else left and I had waited an hour I enquired how much longer I will need to wait. She found the instructor that walked right past me 30 minutes ago and told him the situation.

It’s a pretty unforgiving test so the anxiety is pretty real. He watched me like a hawk go through the vehicle inspection. Then he instructed me to get in the vehicle and start the car. Bear in mind he spoke no English and made no effort to aid his communication through verbal queues. I was just guessing what he wanted.

Stranger still he didn’t get in the car. So I just drove away. I stopped at a red light and apparently I had gone too far so he had me back up while he stood uncomfortably close to my driver’s side mirror. I was thinking “How dangerous is this?”. Immediately after he told me to turn left and I did but I didn’t use my signal. Test over. Fail. Ridiculous. He never got in the car wtf.

Why didn’t you use your signal?

The tests are not logical, so hard to pass if just going for the test.

My first test, the car was parked on the left side of the “road”. So after all checks etc. when driving off I indicated first right turn signal… but… that was wrong as apparently the road was an imaginary road and we were apparently parked on the right side in their dreamworld… so failed.

So went to a driving school, did two driving lessons and then passed the test

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This guy had me all mixed up.

LOL, Keelung DMV? Had exactly the same thing, bunch of AH’s.

Correct :rofl:

Just know how to drive well :hugs:

The test here is easy and doesn’t really test on anything that hard. The scooter test is harder than the car one, but all are basically useless and people pass everyday without an ounce of skill. People with skill fail everyday too. I wouldn’t sweat it. It’s harder remembering all the signs for the written than the actual driving test.

If you fail, just go back next week. Pretty much explains the traffic issues.