Tired of living in this s***hole

Oh I thought they were some kind of sex positions.

There’s a whole book on that.

I was asking Andrew to articulate and not Max Weber. And to clarify over what timeline. 15th century? Now? Or 100 years ago when Weber wrote the book?

Which part of the religion itself was so influential to make Protestants more successful?

Taiwan energy drinks are great. Cheaper than Red Bull , but just as good.

“Power Bomb”

Pick yourself up with a couple of those.

Thank me later

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Man this thread went off the rails real quick

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What rails…? :sweat_smile:

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Stepped right into that one…

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You need to one up them. The locals like to sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays. So get a bagpipe and blast it on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 6am. When they complain to you, you have something to negotiate with.


Birth control ?

I saw some folks in TV complaining about a temple parade using airhorns at 9am on a Sunday. Dont they know we were sleeping!!! :sleeping:

Times are changing. My neighbours would complain about noise from my kids in the apartment in the daytime. Grumpy farts.

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Yes I distinctly remember Martin Luther’s treatise on pulling out. This spurred the advent of capitalism and spread the ideas of European culture throughout the world.

Protestant work ethic = too tired for sex.


I thought that was the Catholics.

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Coitus interruptus is literally Latin, so it had to be them. :sweat_smile:

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Most startups disappear regardless of where they are. Taiwan is a great place to start certain businesses. If the startups fail here it’s usually because of the founder not the country.

Taiwanese soldiers, Taiwanese don’t seem to bothered about re procreation.

Every sperm is sacred.

Anyway, I thought it was the pope who encourages Catholics to pull out, at the last second.

EDIT: beaten to the punch with the obvious joke.

I think the religious stuff could be moved to a new thread.

This one is about Taiwan being a shithole.


Taiwanese are badass at consumer marketing. That’s why they produce so many consumer name brands.

And that’s why Taiwan’s export profile is dominated by finished goods.