To break or not to break a contract?


Wondering whether to change schools in a few months. Having been here for less than half a year, the school I’m with is ok but has various issues that are institutional and probably won’t change.

As I’ll only have been with that school + - 8 months of a year-long contract when i do change (assuming all goes according to plan and a new job can be found in July-August) will breaking a first contract in Taiwan, even after giving sufficient notice, be grounds for a bad reference, refunding of ARC costs, or other dodgy occurrences?

Your thoughts are welcome.


If it’s ok, see the four months out. Even if it isn’t fun doing it if the boss is a half decent respectable person finish it, get your head down, work hard for the kids, take the money and leave with honour in tact.

If you don’t care about that and just want to leave then it depends on whether your boss would take some of your pay away and the rest of the hassle to do with leaving the job, (house deposit if you have to leave the area, and possibly having to do a visa run/going home if you can’t find a job. 4 months isn’t a long time if you can stick it!