Top-10 things I miss the most about Taiwan that I can’t experience in crappy England

20 years ago on this board, it would have been top of the list.

What changed?

The randy singles in their 20s eventually married tigers and have metamorphized into middle aged eunuchs. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ah. I’ve met a few of their kind.

Hehe. But somehow it seems you are also calling the new generation of men sissies…to be fair, they do have excellent skin, and their hands are as new as a baby’s.

As an aside. why dont the taiwanese lads get some top 10 action? Sure, taiwanese women look amazing, but that alone doesnt make them top 10 material. What about their personalities, their lives of morals and loyalty, lack of superficial tendancies, independence, deep sacrifice for iur health and environment etc? Is that what got them into the top 10 20 years ago? How about them boys? Does their mistress level relationship with their parents mean nothing to potential mates? Are you merely suggesting western women care nothing of local cock whilst foreign men are foaming at the mouth over local p*ssy?

Shallow i say. Shallow.


I think these days (and I have been happily married for decades) you would likely need to get any potential mate to sign ten forms of consent to protect yourself.

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Where am I
What thread is this
Why am I here ?


Air conditioning.


The only people shaming you are those who don’t get to benefit from that upgrade. Comparing myself to the local population, me going from SF to Taiwan makes me taller, hotter, more interesting, with a bigger dick and a larger bank account. In SF I’m just one more nerd. In Taiwan I’m Steve Jobs. Virtually anybody on Earth would take that upgrade any day.


Keep heading west. In Thailand you’ll get a better upgrade.


The secret to being a she-tiger is never taking ‘no’ for an answer. My wife, for example, has a superhuman ability to ask me the same question over and over again across a span of months until she finally gets the answer she wants. She’s a force of nature. “No!”, “No fucking way!”, “Over my dead body” are mere speed bumps to her on the road to getting what she wants. I never saw anything like it growing up in America.

A word to the wise contemplating marriage to a “demure,” twenty-something Taiwanese woman.


I don’t mean to be rude, but why do you eat shit?
My wife’s a force, too, but I’m not just going to sit back and let her dictate my life to me.


I don’t let her push me around but that doesn’t stop her from pushing and pushing. Plus she’s getting worse with age.

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Starting to understand why so many people cheat in Taiwan and there are brothels everywhere?

People cheat everywhere and there are brothels everywhere - there were pros on the freakin’ bases in Afghanistan.

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Eww, I wouldn’t want to be Steve Jobs for all the tea in China.

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Beothels ar everywhere kind of. Bu i have lived many places where they are few and far between. Here, they are next to schools and have their bikini girls plastered all over their front.

Not against prostittion, but against it being.illlegal and.the slave girl trade that exists here. And yes, mnay other places…

Cheating however does tend to have a lot to due to happiness in the culture. Especially when so many women cheat on their partners. Afghanistan may be a poor example, but i cant say from experience. Happy people in happy relations tend not to cheat on their happy partners.

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I don’t think it’s that simple. In some cases, sex is just sex. People practice monogamy (or try to), but it doesn’t mean there aren’t biological reasons some struggle with it.

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YES you must stand up to evil now and then…even if it gets you nowhere actually but …never give in (completely). Roar every now and then…at the very least it amuses them.

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Yes. And i suspect those some people are far far fewer than in cultures with well known relationship issues such as here. Just generalizations of course, but what we see on the streets here does tend to make sense given the social game practiced muh of the time. The single biggest reason i hav seen people cheat are family/parent issues. Same for divirce and broken up families.